Help with Basket

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by Roger67, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. Roger67

    Roger67 Well-Known Member

    What kind of basket is this? Is it Native American or nothing lol? Any help would be great! Thanks
    IMG_1269.JPG IMG_1270.JPG IMG_1271.JPG IMG_1272.JPG
    KingofThings likes this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Not NA.....likely African.
  3. Roger67

    Roger67 Well-Known Member

  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Those knots always confuse may be from India.......but.....Taupou will know better than I.
  5. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

    Actually, it's Mexican, from the Toluca Valley. Those wrapped stitches between the coils are key, since they are common in two places...Mexico, and a few Polynesian islands like Niue, Tonga, and Samoa. The islands, however, don't use bright colors, only natural tans and browns.

    So if you can see spaces between the coils, and they are wrapped with brightly colored palm fiber, it's likely a Mexican basket.

    If it's palm fiber wrapped coils, bright colors, but you can't see any space between the coils, it's most likely African.

    Bright colors, palm fiber coils, but there are some spaces left on the coils where you can see the underlying foundation of the coil itself, one side of the basket is left rougher than the other, and it has a braided or herringbone rim, it's Pakistani.

    Bright colors, small yucca stitches completely covering the coil, tight coils starting with a "snail-like" center and tapering down to nothing on the's Hopi.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    The Hopi I got...the others...I'll try and learn.
    Thank you for that edumification .......!! :happy::happy::happy:
  7. Roger67

    Roger67 Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much taupou! Always enjoy reading your information.
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