Featured Vintage Valentines Figurines. Napco? Lefton?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Mill Cove Treasures, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. Mill Cove Treasures

    Mill Cove Treasures Well-Known Member

  2. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    Ardalt Lenwile I might be off on the spelling, but the stamp and font used for the numbers look very similar. I have seen marked some also stamped with gold numbers. I know there are collectors for Ardalt worldwide. Has something to do with certain pieces being made in Italy and another European country (I forget which). Good luck.
    judy and KingofThings like this.
  3. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    KingofThings likes this.
  4. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    A quick google search brought a bunch listed on ebay under Lefton wtih a couple that I saw having a label.
    KingofThings likes this.
  5. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    Mill Cove Treasures likes this.
  6. Mill Cove Treasures

    Mill Cove Treasures Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for taking a look. I'm leaning towards Napco, the label shape is right and the numbers match more Napco pieces than the others.

    That Pinterest page was loaded. Did you see her tip to use red nail polish to touch up missing paint?

    Leeddie, can you link me to the Google pieces and the pieces on ebay? I searched both before posting here and didn't find these. Thank you.

    KOT - I know, right?!!
    KingofThings likes this.
  7. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    I'd have blown right by those!
  8. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    Sorry I didn't see the question until now. Just in case you didn't find a link.. Here is one for 4 angels... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Lef...526310?hash=item3610b4ebe6:g:TJ0AAOSwNnRYfUiS and here is the search results http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fro..._nkw=Lefton+Valentine+Bisque+figures&_sacat=0 I hope they work since I am not sure I did the linking correctly.

    KingofThings likes this.
  9. FunkeysFinds

    FunkeysFinds Well-Known Member

    I don't have any information to add, but thank you for yours. I try to learn something new about old stuff each day and had no idea that these were so popular.
    If/when you sell them, I hope you do well.
    KingofThings likes this.
  10. LeftonGuy

    LeftonGuy Well-Known Member

    The small oval sticker residue is from a generic red Made in Japan sticker found on various makers items. Despite what can be found online, these stickers are not specific to any one manufacturer.
    KingofThings likes this.
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