Hi Everyone, I’ve been following this 835 brooch for awhile. I just got a reduced price offer, so I purchased it. Will post marks, when I receive it. Would you say it’s modernist? Thank you for looking.
Thank you KSW. I’ve not been able to get a good guess on the marks from photos. I’m always too impatient.
Part of the excitement is waiting for it to arrive, as long as it doesn't take too long!. It's great when you get one of those offers on something you've been sitting on the fence over buying. Are the gems coral or do you not know yet?
It says coral, red stones in the ad, but I’m not holding out hopes, will be up for discussion when I get it.
When someone wants to sell something, why oh why don't they ad it with nice sharp, clear images.....I couldn't get it any better!!! AND BTW, it IS LOVELY!!!!!
Because if they all posted nice clear images we all couldn't snag a treasure every once in a while. Very cool pin!!!
Very stylish, I love it! It is such a thrill when an expected buy arrives.... nearly like opening Xmas gift box