Featured Hoarder or storer?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by afantiques, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    Someone else's hoard or store I'll be looking over on Wednesday.
    Only the worst looking bits to show. :)
    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 013.jpg
    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 014.jpg
    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 023.jpg
    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 034.jpg
    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 037.jpg

    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 041.jpg
    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 053.jpg
    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 065.jpg
    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 066.jpg
    1-37 Gardiner Rd 220914 078.jpg
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  2. Messilane

    Messilane Well-Known Member

    Oh dear . . .
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  3. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    OMG - that looks so excellent AF. I want to go!!
  4. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Funny we used to call it Landlord green.
  5. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    In one of the pictures is a box from Alois Gatz of Quincy, Il. Through the wonder of the internet, a picture of his shop!

    I wonder how that box wandered over to the English midlands?
  6. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi AF,
    I wannna go, I wanna go, I wannna go
  7. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    Look at all those clocks spooning in the first picture! :)
  8. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    I'll bet there is a lot of cool stuff in there, but I find it hard to see the photos. Someone lived there in and amongst the garbage, grease and dirt. The amount of dust on the mantle alone is measurable.

    That's where living in your head becomes very beneficial. So sad to see.
  9. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    One of the best ones I ever cleared was similar to that, absolute filth and stank.
    The old fella had died in the house.
    There was 5 mattresses on his bed, as one got to soiled he put a dry one on top, LOL
    I paid £140 for the lot which included me clearing the rubbish and having the place cleaned.
    I did about £15,000 on the contents and also found another £5000 in cash hidden all around the house.
    No TV or Phone, just a 1928 Marconi valve radio with a glass accumulator battery.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  10. trip98

    trip98 Well-Known Member

    wowowow. I cleaned out a few like that...same story passed alone in the house. One house, I found can after can of silver coins hidden around the house. Even after several (in the house) estate sales when all was said and done. I found one final can of coins behind the kitchen plumbing under sink behind last bit of paper junk. That house I wouldn't go in until it was fumigated, and a rat clean-up crew secured the garage. ewww can get ugly and dangerous.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  11. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    I can't get over the stove. Did they never watch the pot as it boiled?
  12. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    I like the photo of the new fabric draped over that chair. As if it was being considered to reupholster it. The fabric looks so clean in comparison.
  13. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    I like the gray wallpaper with the long stems, daisies, and purple flowers.
  14. elarnia

    elarnia SIWL

    Whew - Just emerged from my annual intensive "budget, elections, etc." period with meetings every other night and spreadsheets that have fun changing numbers when you aren't looking. Caught up with this thread - just skimming mostly, so sorry if I say something that's been said. Missed all the drama I see :( but glad to see it seems to have been worked through :shy: I like ALL of you too much to see it break up over hurt feelings.

    Just to hit a few points --

    Af - [​IMG]

    There was a great ad a few years back - house full of stuff and family looks at each other and say "we have too much stuff" then they buy lots of plastic containers and put all the stuff up - shot of clear well organized house - family say "we need MORE stuff".

    The moral is organization is BAD. :joyful:

    By the way - was William planning a death by hanging or is that just a poorly trimmed beard?

    SIS - I LOVE that wooden map case - I have a much more industrial looking one - I keep looking for an affordable wooden one - they are great for beads and jewelry!


    Greg - The place for your pillars is the bathroom of course-


    you just combine several small bedrooms and you have a "Modern Master Bath!" (caps and exclamation point obligatory) that you would be proud to live in, which you will have to since you have no other rooms left.:meh:

    Verybrad - you have got some really intriguing looking wood there! What is the abstract on the wall in this shot? looks interesting.

    I tend to agree with you about discussions and differences of opinion - I think though that sometimes people are a bit too invested in declaring their credentials - which can convey the implication that anyone who disagrees is just not properly informed about the issue. Years of training and experience certainly count for something, but in fields where there are few absolutes, especially on matters of taste, it can be better in casual discussion if everyone simply states their opinions, and reasons, without what can seem to some as an attempt to stifle disagreement not by persuasion, but by authority. Me - I will be happy to discuss such searing issues as "was Tom Baker the best Doctor?", "do Yes really make the music of the spheres?", and "should antiquities be repatriated to their home countries?" with anyone, almost anytime.

    (The correct answers, btw, are "yes", "yes", and "it depends":smug:)

    I love seeing everyone's stashes. Makes mine look a bit more normal. My immediate problem is that, on top of my stuff, which has never been good at taking up little space and staying organized, we had an aunt and my parents pass away & leave full houses. I know I've kept stuff I won't want in the long run, but I really didn't want to make any more decisions than I had to right now. My solution was this:

    except mine is about twice as long, 10 x 30, with a door on the end as well. I'm hoping that once I work my way through some of the stuff filling it up right now it will be my studio.
    which brings me to -
    Af - you said something about things giving a sense of security. I know in my case this is part of the issue. I know that when I retire I should be ok financially but I won't have the kind of disposable income that I have now. On the other hand, now I don't have time to do a lot of the arts and crafts things I want to. Part of my hoar..., er, stash! is against that day when I have time but can't run out to the store and spend $25 on fabric. Just save the money, you say? but money always seems to find a purpose, boxes of fabric and beads sit there waiting.

    I'll post my pictures in a couple of days - I seem to have buried my camera somewhere :oops::sorry::snaphappy:.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2014
  15. Messilane

    Messilane Well-Known Member

    elarna, I hit "Like" on your post, but I wish they had REALLY, REALLY, Like Your Post, because I did!!
    elarnia likes this.
  16. Mill Cove Treasures

    Mill Cove Treasures Well-Known Member

    OMG, I feel so much better seeing all of your photographs. AF you give me hope that there is a floor waiting to be seen.

    Just look at my Avatar, that will give you a hint.

    My problem started when everyone passed away in a very short period of time. I inherited the contents of 5 homes. One of those homes had the contents of 2 other homes so I guess you could say, it was 7 total. Everything is here, no storage areas were rented.

    Fortunately and unfortunately, I found a stash of cash hidden in some papers when I first started going through the contents of the first home. It was enough to make me say "slow down and look carefully". I haven't found a single dime since but I feel compelled to go through every single thing with a fine tooth comb.

    I was very sentimental about things and the memories that they represented so it was hard to decide what to sell.

    Before this, I was a neat/clean freak. Maybe a little OCD. I would clean the lawn mower with Windex before it was stored back the shed. Seriously. This is painful for me. On a positive note, I found that the longer this stuff is here, the less sentimental it becomes.

    For many reasons that are to personal to list here, we really need the money from this, otherwise, I think I would have donated a lot more than I have and sent the rest to auction.

    One home was filled with some really nice antiques and I learned a lot just researching the contents of that one home. That got me hooked. There is so much here to get rid of but I still stop if I see a yard sale! Last year I found a Hudson Valley painting for $3. That only contributed to my desire to stop... I think there should be an AA - Antiques Anonymous.

    I am making progress. I just saw part of the oriental rug in my living room for the first time in 5 years. I immediately got out my vacuum cleaner and happily vacuumed that 4 feet of space. It was very cathartic for my inner clean freak.

    AF, your photographic journey of the disappearing clutter gave me goose bumps! (see OCD)
    wenna, Pat P, afantiques and 4 others like this.
  17. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member


    I don't remember what that painting is exactly. I won't be home til the weekend but will photograph it and let you know then. I do remember it is by a contemporary female artist and it has a tear to repair.

    A lot of the stored furniture is mission. Some of the pieces I have kept for myself while others are for resale. Unfortunately, it is not as hot as it once was. Very little interest in it here at all anymore. I know it still has a following so will have to seek out the right buyers when the time comes to sell.
  18. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Thanks, it's an old cabinet of type setting trays and there is stuff aplenty in every tray! Someone had removed some of the internal dividers so there are slots of various sizes and a few trays with no dividers at all. Of course handy storage places can encourage more stuff (as someone mentioned).:rolleyes: :woot:
  19. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Oh Af...I would LOVE to go pickin' at that place, dust and grease never scared me...heck I have my share of desert dust :p So many treasures to be had there.:cat:

    The decor is simply "marvalous"...did I spell the accent right? ;)

    gregsglass likes this.
  20. silverthwait

    silverthwait Well-Known Member

    Nope: it's "Mahvelous!"

    But we get the idea. LOL! :)
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
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