Featured Strange Beautiful Dounut Decanter ???

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Malcolm, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    It's not that heavy 1.7lbs.
    scoutshouse and judy like this.
  2. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    I have never used the decanter their is some staining at the very bottom, but I can not reach it to clean.
    scoutshouse and judy like this.
  3. Cherryhill

    Cherryhill Well-Known Member

    Would not expect lead glass from Bohemia, [qualified] mostly lime. How they got lime glass to shine like they did is their secret.
    scoutshouse and judy like this.
  4. Brazos

    Brazos Active Member

    That was the point of my question. If it were lead glass, that would preclude Moser, as they made no leaded glass until the 1920's. The gold paint trim would be gold or platinum foil. They didn't even use silver, because it would tarnish.

    The bottom line is, it could have been made by almost anybody in Europe, except Moser.
    scoutshouse, judy and anundverkaufen like this.
  5. laura9797

    laura9797 Well-Known Member

    As far as cleaning in hard to get places ;) You can put some uncooked rice with a little bit of water or Windex and swish it around to get junk in the bottom. I have also used denture cleaner tablets with rice as well.
    scoutshouse, judy and Malcolm like this.
  6. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thank you Laura, I will try the rice & windex first.:happy::happy::happy::happy:
    scoutshouse likes this.
  7. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    I agree to your thought and I've since visited the online site Nova Bor, which I found very interesting in as far as in the mid 19th century there were many glass producing factories in that area of Bohemia and only two of those factories still exist today and are still producing hand blown/enameled glass. So, the likelihood that the beautiful decanter was made by Moser is not proved, although it does not take away from the sheer beauty of Moser's work. One other thing it does not preclude the decanter being a Moser creation as it would be quite possible Moser did make the decanter.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2020
    scoutshouse and judy like this.
  8. Brazos

    Brazos Active Member

    My last post was not as clear as it could have been. Moser is documented as never using gold paint. Had your decanter been by Moser, the gold trim would have been gold foil not paint. Since none of us were there when it was made and there is no documentation, one way or the other, we have to rely on clues. The gold paint on your piece is that clue. This does not diminish the beauty of your decanter.

    You are in England? If so, you might look closer to home. British glass houses were making glass of this quality.

    Most Moser was marked, but so are a lot of fakes so marked. It is your decanter and you may call it Moser, if you wish.

    As always, this is all opinion...good or bad.
  9. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thank you for your reply. I'm not saying the decanter is Moser but I'm not saying it's not. The reason I'm asking you guys is so I can research it more with your idea's. So, I'm not being rude in my last message just chatting in general. You guy's on the forums are a lot more knoweledgeable then myself and I appreciate all your comments.:bookworm:
  10. Brazos

    Brazos Active Member

    Just to be clear, I do not find anything you have posted to be rude. Now, we all need to go wash our hands and try to be safe.
  11. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    You might want to also try plain isopropyl alcohol with the rice as it will evaporate. I use it on my perfume bottles all the time to get rid of all the residue left in some bottles.

    BTW this decanter is beyond gorgeous!!! :jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop: :D:D:D
    scoutshouse, judy and Malcolm like this.
  12. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thank you Peggy, I'll try your method on a cranberry decanter which is quite stained. I do have a question: Do you do any swishing or just leave the solution to evapurate??
    scoutshouse and judy like this.
  13. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    I put rice, Ammonia, a drop of Dawn and fill with water.
    I leave it on the counter and swish every time I go by. Sometimes it takes a week, sometimes longer.
    scoutshouse, judy and Malcolm like this.
  14. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thanks again clutteredcloset.:happy:
    scoutshouse and judy like this.
  15. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    The decanter you show has stain all the way up. You will need to put enough rice to cover the stain.
    scoutshouse, judy and Malcolm like this.
  16. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thanks again, I'll do that. Do I place the stopper on the decanter to stop the ammonia smell.
  17. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    It depends on how much crud is in the bottle. Sometimes I can get away with just a few swishes & sometimes I have had to change it out multiple times to get rid of all the sludge. I always dump out any that is left & if it is colored in any way put in a little bit more till it remains clear.
    scoutshouse, judy and Malcolm like this.
  18. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Wow! Thanks Peggy.
    scoutshouse and bercrystal like this.
  19. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    scoutshouse and Malcolm like this.
  20. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thanks Aquitaine.:happy::happy:
    scoutshouse likes this.
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