Showing my Latest Cut Glass Find, maybe ABP

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by ola402, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    I used to think that I would start an ABP cut glass collection, but gave up the idea when most of it that I found was chipped and also, because I mostly can't tell the difference between ABP items and the newer European cut glass.

    Recently, I found a really cute little dish for $6.00 that is surprisingly not chipped. So I suppose that would make it newer. It just about fits in the palm of my hand. It's so adorable and photogenic, so here it is . . .

  2. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Pam,
    Great piece, but your photos are EXCELLENT!
  3. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    Thank you, Greg! The planets aligned for these photos, because I can't actually tell you why photos sometimes turn out so well and sometimes, don't.
  4. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    You've checked the center of the topside for a very faint etched mark? Playing glare across the area sometimes helps, but frequently they are simply not signed.
  5. janettekay

    janettekay Well-Known Member

    as greg said...check the center at all angles in the sun....(and try it at different times of day...I once found a mark after 10 or so tries!)
  6. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    I have looked and looked but there's no mark. I'm keeping it so there's a possibility that a mark could show itself at any time as I continue to handle it, LOL!
  7. janettekay

    janettekay Well-Known Member

    Good idea !! I have a lot of cut glass books...and took a quick look..but no ID for you so far....(PS-if you are interested in collecting ABCG..message I am downsizing my collection - including reference books...!)
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