Ciulla Sr. painting

Discussion in 'Art' started by Dennis Tjaden, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. Dennis Tjaden

    Dennis Tjaden Old ball coach......

    I would like to know something about this artist. This painting was done in November of 1978 by Ciulla Sr. I have a few pictures painted by this person, the earliest is in 1975. I put a picture of the other 2 with this. They are all painted in the same style. DSC00340.JPG DSC00341.JPG DSC00344.JPG DSC00347.JPG DSC00348.JPG DSC00349.JPG DSC00350.JPG DSC00351.JPG DSC00360.JPG DSC00341.JPG

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    lauragarnet likes this.
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    They are naive/amateur. Doubt you will find much about the artist. The flowers painting looks like it could be a copy of a Van Gogh and is better than the others. .
    Lucille.b likes this.
  3. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Did some searching and could not find that the flowers painting is a copy of anything in particular. As mentioned above, is similar to some of the dozens of flower paintings done by Van Gogh. It also bears, perhaps, more similarity to some of Matisse's works. Kind of surprises me since this painting is vastly superior to the other two ..... IMHO. It is as if they were done by different people.
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
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