Featured strange impression on picture

Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by Cara Lyn, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    Please, part two needed!!!:nailbiting::woot::zombie:
  2. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Yes. I have some photos in my collection that have accidental transfers on the back. Most likely from being stored for long periods of time with the front of one photo pressed against the back of a card mount or paper on the back of the other.

    By the way, this thread has gone off into an entertaining tangent. As often happens here!
  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    later today....:mask:
    charlie cheswick and kyratango like this.
  4. Darkwing Manor

    Darkwing Manor Well-Known Member

    The hearse you see in my avatar was purchased in Manassas, VA. It was originally owned by an undertaker in New Market, MD during the Civil War. After we purchased it many bad things happened. It started with the loading doors opening by themselves. ( humidity maybe?) We had two mishaps with it when hauling on a flat bed, one where the hitch broke. (but that happens all the time, right? ) Later, a cop car chase from downtown ended at our house, destroying the porte cochere, the hearse and three vehicles. The perp got away so the insurance was on us. After a two and a half year restoration, (the restorer had a heart attack and his wife had a stroke during that time) I was taking pics of the restoration and this image showed up. It's not me, I was wearing a blue tank top and shorts! More tragedy happened later, but that is not a story to be told here. We call it the cursed hearse. It seems to have settled down now, a tree blew over last fall and just missed the thing. Pretty spooky and I don't even believe in ghosts. ghost mailable.jpg
  5. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Part Two...

    So I get it back to my Gallery , it's shedding just by touching it & I can't find a place for it , and can't hang it because of the woven fibers that surround the rear.
    I get a nice box.....carefully pad it, and place the mask inside , close it up and put it on a shelf in the back room.

    There it sat for years....to the point that I had " almost " forgotten about it, and things ...files, papers, books , got placed on top and around the box.

    One day a young couple came into the Gallery .
    From the get go...they looked strange......clean, but dowdy in appearance.
    They walked around .... but not aimlessly ....more like hunting.
    They came to my desk, sat down...and started chirping at me that there was something going on here that led them to my Gallery, but they couldn't find it !!

    I tried to explain that the masks and carvings I had on display were in no way spirits and on took on a life only once they were being danced in a ceremony, but they would have none of it and insisted that there was a strong vibe that they were both feeling , drawing them to my place .

    I protested my masks innocence , but they became more insistent .
    I asked them , which item was bothering them, as they had seen everything on display ..... and they said it wasn't out front , and pointed to the back room behind me.
    Ya , Right....I was not about to let them forage around in a private area...but they were disturbingly insistent that they had to see what was causing them....what now appeared to be distress !!!

    Now they had me wondering... so into the back room we all went & they looked up and down at everything and seemed confused.
    Then they walked around the other side of a wall where my shelves were.....and stopped in their tracks . Now they were quite nervous....& it was makin me nervous !!!
    I said....look , there's nothing here but files , and papers......& then one of them pointed right at the box....& said ..." what's in there ? "

    You could have heard a pin drop on the ' carpet ' ....as I pulled the box out from where it sat and opened it up to reveal that African mask !!
    They gasped together & started shaking...and yammering that this object was giving off an energy that was so strong they couldn't stay there any longer, and with that they both hustled out of the back room and practically fled the Gallery.

    After that...I took the mask out of the box....put it in plain sight , apologized for hiding it away for so long...... & we've been friends ever since !

    It sits now on a shelf nearby leaning on a Zulu basket and while other folks have seen it and been up close.....even a high born African woman.....no one has paid any attention to it ......... cept me !!

    and that's the truth of it...
  7. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Amazing story, @komokwa -- I love it!
  8. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    I often get intuitions pulling me to certain areas of a thrift store. Other times, I get a feeling not to leave an aisle as there is something there I'm supposed to find. Sometimes what I find is worth the extra time and sometimes not.

    However, I get more vibes for spirits themselves. This is just one instance. I've had many.

    My store is in a building that was built in the 1850s. Like many of the old buildings here, there are living quarters attached at the back. In my case the landlord rents the apartment out.
    I have always felt a presence in the back hallway and stairs.
    There is a window at the base of the stairs, that had been boarded up when I first rented the store. When one tenant moved in she insisted that the window be uncovered and glass put in for light.
    So a couple of months later, I'm part way down the stairs when I trip. All I can think is I'm going through that window. Just as I bounced to the bottom I was hit - and I mean Really hit - from the side and ended up sitting in the corner with my feet going up the stairs. It was the Weirdest sensation.
    Other than bruises I wasn't really hurt.

  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    To this day, I'm beside myself....thinking about parts 1 & 2 !!!:jawdrop:
  10. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    you were brave to keep it mate, a lesser man would have got rid

    those 2 young creeps would have shit me right up
  11. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    :jawdrop:Aahh! This mask just WANTED to be on show!:rolleyes::peeking:
    What about giving him the best audience? Show him here:joyful:
  12. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    And they did....in no uncertain terms !!!

    but they were so .......... insistent ..... so emotional.... I still thought it was a lark when they sat down.....but they led me right to the box, that no other person on the planet could have known was even there !!!

    I never showed it to anyone else......ever.....and it had been there for years.

    It could have been in that 2nd hand store for as many years...maybe longer....before it called out to me to find it.......so...in effect .... those 2 folks were repeating my own story......but once they saw it......they ran !!!

    Kyra wants me to show it.......but even after taking pics of it several years ago...I've never posted them anywhere. I'm actually kinda afraid to...& not sure why !
  13. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    He appealed me... and wants to be shown:nailbiting: I call him Gus...
    His curse... makes everybody laugh to death...:vamp:
    OOSqvRognSO1r2njf6.DFQ-smallw.jpg q734B5k59B0UKiPuCiPBHg-smallw.jpg
  14. Darkwing Manor

    Darkwing Manor Well-Known Member

    Another weird object story- this is one I deaccessioned from the Southern Oregon Historical Society's collection. According to the accession record, it was found buried in the woods in southern Oregon in the 1930s, with a suggestion it could have been of Native American origin. It has real human(?) reddish hair, nails stuck in it's temples, stuffed with some unknown fibre and smelled badly. We called it a puppet head for lack of a better term, but it gave me the creeps. I'm glad it's gone! voodoo.jpg voodooneck.jpg DSC00014.JPG
  15. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Ya....I'm half way there !!! LOL.... but he's a Yeti .....& they love to laugh !!!
    charlie cheswick and kyratango like this.
  16. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    Yeti? Sure? I've always heard yetis have big:stinkyfeet::joyful:
    Darkwing Manor and komokwa like this.
  17. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    he's lovely !!!
    Darkwing Manor and kyratango like this.
  18. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    all the better to traipse around the forest with !!!:playful:
    kyratango likes this.
  19. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    Except the smelly part...:yuck:
    Darkwing Manor and komokwa like this.
  20. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    U'd be smelly too if you hadn't had a bath in a long while !! ;):eek::eek::eek::eek:

    or......were buried under ground !!! :dead:
    Darkwing Manor likes this.
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