Looking for information on this flask

Discussion in 'Silver' started by Oldcountry3, Feb 19, 2020.

  1. Oldcountry3

    Oldcountry3 New Member

    From the little bit of research I have done the flask appears it may have belonged to the Assistant Surgeon General of the United States Henry Rose Carter. It appears it may have been given to him as a thank you for his help in treating an outbreak of yellow fever among the crew of the USS Boston in Panama around 1905. The flask itself was manufactured by Gorham.

    Houseful likes this.
  2. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Oldcountry3! Very nice flask. But I am wondering what additional information (beyond what you already know) you are searching for.
  3. Oldcountry3

    Oldcountry3 New Member

    I am looking for information on what something like this could be worth and how to go about selling something like this. I was also wondering if there would be some museums that would be interested in something like this.
  4. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    I see. Well, we are not appraisers, so the best we can do for most people who inquire about items is to help them with an accurate description and potential keywords to perform their own sale site searches on the web. This item however, seems that it might have value beyond the usual comparables in its association with Dr. Carter. That's much more difficult to assess since it is one of a kind. Personally, I would think you should be discussing this item with major auction houses, particularly those that have a good reputation in the sale of important silver.

    What part of the country are you in? Are you near a major city?
    Houseful likes this.
  5. Oldcountry3

    Oldcountry3 New Member

    I am located near the Charlotte NC area
  6. coreya

    coreya Well-Known Member

  7. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    OK. Let me see if one of our active members from that area has a suggestion (although his area of specialty is not silver, he's still going to know the auction houses to talk to or to avoid.)

    @James Conrad
  8. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Brunk Auctions is in Asheville. I've not sold anything through them but I have purchased a few things. Many auction houses will give you info if you send them photos.
    Bakersgma likes this.
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    naval museum...?
    Although, you know museums like stuff ....for free !
    James Conrad and blooey like this.
  10. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

  11. Oldcountry3

    Oldcountry3 New Member

    Thank you all for the information.
    komokwa likes this.
  12. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    I'm sure more will be coming along. We are an international site with members in just about every time zone. So people are coming here to read and comment all the time. Be sure to check back periodically during your own day.
  13. James Conrad

    James Conrad Well-Known Member

    Is in Charlotte as well, welcome aboard!
    Ditto here, good outfit, honest, they have been around a long time and just opened a new outlet in Richmond Va.
    Hmmmmm, silver flask huh, yeah, way out of my interest area.
    Bakersgma likes this.
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