Old Bean Pot - unmarked

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by wildrose, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. wildrose

    wildrose Well-Known Member

    any ideas on the maker of this old bean pot? I've googled till I almost cannot see anymore. Thanks! beanpot.jpg beanpot1.jpg
    pearlsnblume likes this.
  2. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I'd say 1950s Ohio, but beyond that not a clue. Odds are it was used as a cookie jar. The whole Colonial Revival shtick was popular in the 50s/60s and these went with the theme. Lots of bean pots were made but few ever held beans after one try at it. I know because mine is sitting unloved and dusty after a few tries too; it's a lot newer, but it's a lot easier to get the beans out of a can.(LOL)
  3. wildrose

    wildrose Well-Known Member

    LOL, yes it easier to get them from a can is but homemade beans are the bomb! Except for the cleaning up part. I will look at some cookie jars, never crossed my mind for some reason. Thanks !!!
  4. dgbjwc

    dgbjwc Well-Known Member

    I'm leaning towards Monmouth-Western Stoneware but I couldn't confirm it on google or in my Monmouth book. Sorry!
    wildrose likes this.
  5. wildrose

    wildrose Well-Known Member

    Thanks for looking Don!
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