I have the Book "Le costume, les armes, ustensiles, outils des peuples anciens et modernes" by Frédéric Hottenroth and can't find any Information about this specific edition. There is no date in the book except on the card in the back, but the book has a much older feel to it, than 1944/45. It is large (about 31x26cm) and the binding is still pretty strong, mind its overall condition. Any information about age, edition, etc. is highly appreciated!
Hottenroth was an artist illustrator who died in 1917 , that card in the back of a book is the last year this was in a library . Id say turn of the century , isnt there a publishing date ?
The references I'm finding say c1890 and two volumes. There were 120 chromolithography plates. I get the impression there was a text volume and a plate volume, but then I also get the impression they were later combined into one. How many color illustrations in yours? I do like that title page.
http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/Sea...&sortby=19&tn=le+costume&wassortselected=true This should help you. Debora
Thanks, but unfortunately there isn't anything. I've googled the book and there are tons of different ones. I also found a similar one to mine, but it has a lot more writing on the cover page. This is the one: http://m.ebay.com/itm/291224364381?_mwBanner=1
Thanks Debora, I already looked through abebooks, but there are so many different versions of this book. If I would have more info, I could narrow it down, but there isn't one like mine, at least with a picture.
Then try here: http://www.livre-rare-book.com/sear...=search/current.xhtml:searchEngine.initSearch Référence : 22154, at a glance, appears to be the same edition. Debora
I don't know a lot about books but that marbled paper inside the cover is victorian, Hubby has lots of victorian books and they all have that marbled paper inside.
Debora's link is very useful, go one more step and it gets u here to 6990 describing the 2 vol set and picturing the same two color pages as u did. http://www.livre-rare-book.com/sear...ilter=ALL&keycodes=&maximumYear=0&cid=6532154
Your volume appears to date to 1885-1890. Keep in mind when you're attempting to determine value -- if that's your intention -- that 1) it's Volume I of a two volume set, 2) it's an ex-library copy, 3) the binding has tears, especially at spine, 4) the edges appear to be soiled and 5) the interior pages have water damage and foxing. Debora
Looks like this was also published again in 1909, but I think the one being discussed here appears to be older. Also, I found that it's a French translation of a German version published in either 1883 or 1884. The German title is Trachten, Haus-, Feld- und Kriegsgeräthschaften der Völker alter und neuer Zeit.
The book has 120 illustrations, plus the inside cover illustration and 96 written pages, which makes a total of 217 pages overall.
Thank you to everyone so far! It is really fascinating and you also came up with some really helpful links!!! But there are still some things you might be able to help me (hopefully!!) What I found pretty interesting, is that on the written pages (which are made out of a different paper than the illustrated pages), every letter is visible from the other side (it is pressed through). Might this be an indicator age wise? Plus I found a little pencil scribble on one of the pages. I can't really identify it, can someone of you make any sense of it? And what type of value would you put on this book (of course considering it's state, but of course also it's rarity). Would be great if someone could let me know! Thank you!
Stan, believe me the list of books for sale I linked above is the best info there is. If the page with color images doesn't pop right up, hit the "rechercer" or whatever button and it will. All you gotta do is find the sale item on that page that's closest to what you have, adjust for differences in what you have, and you have a number. Go down to the one offered for E144.00, and that looks like a lone vol. 1 like yours. Too bad he doesn't give more details. Will you ever get E144. For yours? Probably not, but I doubt he will either unless someone with v2 only comes along and is dying to complete his set. I'm not a book-smart person but if I were you I'd be ecstatic if I could get $50. For your fair-condition lone volume. http://www.livre-rare-book.com/search/current.seam;jsessionid=B247D6E5AB8F92741E78282220D4AB14
Agree. I would think $50 a very good price, given condition and fact incomplete. It was reprinted so no magic to having one half of earlier edition. Debora