displaying swords

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Kasperscuriosities, May 31, 2016.

  1. Kasperscuriosities

    Kasperscuriosities Two hundred years too late.

    So I need a sword stand of some sort and since I really am just learning about swords I would like some advice. I think I would prefer one that stands as oppose to one that hangs do to the difficulty in hanging anything at the gallery. Also I really need a way to keep people from touching some of these swords as I have been told and given special gloves for doing so. I was told that if they were touched with bare hands they would forever bare a fingerprint. So I don't want people to touch them without asking for assistance first. I have a lot of swords and it looks like more are going to come in. Right now I have around 20 all different kinds. Extremely large ones that look like something He-Man might use and some that are true antique war swards, some are Japanese Swords Katanas and Samurais.

    My question is what would be the best way to display these for sale? Some of them are also very sharp which is another reason I don't want people just picking them up and waving them around. Not that I had any issue with that at the last auction but still. I have seen some cheap stands that can hold around 8 swords are those any good. It looks like it could just fall over. I am on a budget but I figure that this is something that looks like it may come up often so I want to be prepared to display them professionally. I can spend a little bit on it but would like to keep it reasonable. It doesn't have to be fancy just practical. Thanks in advance.
  2. Daemon

    Daemon Member

    If it's just for display purposes hanging would really be best, but if these are going to auction, you may wish to have and individual stand/plaque for each, so the buyer has a way to display his or her purchase.
    komokwa likes this.
  3. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    My local auction house has a walk in cage to display dangerous and delicate items.
    The public can view them from the otherside of the wire, a member of staff is on hand with a key to allow safe closer examination by potential buyers.
    komokwa likes this.
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Different swords require different stands....
    I'd say for your purpose you might find that a gun rack could be used for display.
    ( y'll are in Texas ....right ? )


    Japanese swords are most seen in a classic one two or three sword sideways rack...


    Daemon has a point , in that a rack to go with each sword would be nice for the average buyer but I've found that sword collectors like to have or make a more personalized item....


    Companies out there do make a wealth of stands .....even a very simple acrylic type just for show....


    Something along this line , to keep a bunch on display in the same place...


    You will want to keep them behind a barrier so only a staff member will be able to present them to a buyer one at at a time ....like at a gun store.....and yes for most you don't want folks to touch the blade leaving hand oils on it.....but I've not heard where a fingerprint will quickly etch itself into the steel...forever !

    Really large blades should be grouped together....& while I haven't seen yours...they may be fantasy rather than authentic antiques....may be...!

    pearlsnblume likes this.
  5. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    Perhaps less likely with the steel; but some years ago I made myself a sweet little knife, with brass bolster and end-cap, and after some years on display noticed that it had a very clear fingerprint etched into the brass.
    It was possible to polish it out, but it might have been different had it been on an antique.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    You're never supposed to touch the blade of a Japanese sword....but if you do...you clean it straight away......

    Someone was playing around with your knife !!!!:jawdrop:
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