Religious Print?

Discussion in 'Art' started by kardinalisimo, May 29, 2016.

  1. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    Not sure what do I have here. 6 1/2" x 10 1/2" framed size. One side has the text and the other the three prints.
    Any idea?
    moreotherstuff likes this.
  2. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    A souvenir of the 1896 Eucharistic Congress in Orvito, Italy - a mass religious gathering. Nice that it's preserved that way. The paintings are 14th C frescoes in the cathedral at Orvieto. They relate to a late 13th C miracle at St. Christina's Church in Bolsena nearby. The sacred host began to bleed and drops of the blood fell onto the linen cloth (corporal) on which they sat. The first pictures show those events. The second picture shows the corporal venerated by Pope Urban IV. The last picture shows the corporal presented to the populace. The corporal still exists and is a major relic at Orvieto. The writing on the back, in Italian and French, tells the story of the miracle along with a related prayer.
  3. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    Not a hard miracle to fake with a bladder containing a few drops of blood inside the host, and one that no doubt brought much money into the church coffers, a more likely explanation than supernatural intervention, and one that other clergy would be naturally motivated not to ask too many questions about.
  4. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info.
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