What would you do?

Discussion in 'Silver' started by wenna, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. wenna

    wenna Well-Known Member

    Mill Cove Treasures likes this.
  2. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    Oh! Day-um! That is a gorgeous bowl! With the silver all shinied up, it will be sensational. I hope the restoration cost is not too high so you can save it.
    Mill Cove Treasures and wenna like this.
  3. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    Thanks for that link. I have a piece of broken Sandwich glass I'd love to get repaired.

    That bowl is gorgeous, cracked or not.
    Mill Cove Treasures likes this.
  4. Mill Cove Treasures

    Mill Cove Treasures Well-Known Member

    I saw several companies that do this when I was searching last year. Get a few different quotes. See if you can find someone close to home so you can save on shipping charges. Although, a less expensive quote might be worth shipping. I still have my broken bowl which, I would still like to fix, but it will have to wait until other, more pressing issues are dealt with first. I'd be curious what you get for quotes. My bowl is sentimental and wouldn't be for resale but I felt better knowing I might be able to save it.

    FYI - This man can actually blow new stems for stemware so if your piece was missing or to smashed for repair, he could duplicate it. Here is his link.

    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  5. wenna

    wenna Well-Known Member

    Trefler's is actually not that far off my route to work so I am hoping to bring it there in the next week or so. I'll let you all know how it goes...!
  6. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

  7. wenna

    wenna Well-Known Member

    Yes, I think that's the sort of thing it reminded me of too. And thanks for the reminder on this thread. I did bring the bowl to Trefler's (thanks for that link Mill Cove!). They quoted me approx $155.00 just to stabilize the bowl. So I guess I'll be keeping it as is at least for awhile. I really like the idea of transferring the rim to another bowl (similar cut glass if I can find one or maybe a wood turned bowl...I actually sort of know someone with a lathe who makes beautiful bowls and things). In the meantime, it's looking beautiful on my dining room table with a medley of potted house plants set in it!
  8. Mill Cove Treasures

    Mill Cove Treasures Well-Known Member

    You should email some of the other companies that do restorations. Trefler's rates are very high. You might find someone more reasonable even if it does involve shipping.
    wenna likes this.
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