Featured Old photo, Masonic? Greek Orthodox?

Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by Gatortail, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Not sure what they are, but I love it completely! What kind of photo is it? I mean, is it a postcard, or a photo mounted on a card (like a cabinet card), or something else? The type might help a little in dating it, if you can show the card mount or the back (especially if it's a postcard).

    I enjoy photos that show the edges of the backdrop or background. I think this was probably in a studio. A real theatrical stage set would be larger than that. Photographers' studio backdrops had all kinds of interesting stuff painted or as props.
  2. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Even if taken in a studio, though, they could have been either theatrical or fraternal organization. There are members here who know about fraternal organizations. Let's see if somebody drops by to reply.
    scoutshouse and yourturntoloveit like this.
  3. Gatortail

    Gatortail Active Member

    Not a card. An actual photo.... nothing on the reverse. Original definitely. roughly 7x6 upon eyeballing it
    scoutshouse and Figtree3 like this.
  4. Gatortail

    Gatortail Active Member

  5. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    It's hard to pick up real clues about the time period it was taken, then... my best guess is late 19th to early 20th century. I'm leaning to 20th century, but not sure why.
    scoutshouse and yourturntoloveit like this.
  6. Gatortail

    Gatortail Active Member

    Here's a sharper photo of it.

    I'm feeling c.1900 NY

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    scoutshouse and yourturntoloveit like this.
  7. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, I just now noticed the difference in the height of the two "backdrops" behind the men.

    I also wonder what that "object" is on the floor in the lower right corner of the photo.

    I'm being "funny" now but . . . with those hats on the men in the back . . . I can't help but think they are bakers-in-training (apprentice bakers). :rolleyes:
    scoutshouse and anundverkaufen like this.
  8. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Looks like it's in a frame... is it? If so, have you taken it out? I gather that you have, but just checking.

    I just noticed the one guy has a crescent moon on his hat. I know that the crescent moon is a Masonic symbol, but also note that others have already said it's not Masonic. And it's possible that some other organization uses the crescent moon, too.
    scoutshouse likes this.
  9. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    I agree on a faternal organization with recruits. I'm leaning to Masonic. The high potentates in the front row could have aprons on under the robes. If they flashed, we could see the aprons! Here is a pic of Masonic potentates with crowns and similar faux ermine robes. Their aprons are visibly under the robes. The man in the middle's apron has a Royal Arch symbol on it. Royal Arch is the first or one of the levels of the York Rites, a Masonic branch. Now I am surprised if they are Masonic related and do have aprons that the aprons aren't more visible! Maybe they didn't want to embrass Masonery with their schenanigans/hijinks!

    Is that guy the one in that dark weird regalia that looks like a cross between a Gloucester, MA, fisherman and the wicked witch of the west? That man may be wearing an apron. His apron is dark. Many Shriners aprons are dark red that would look black in such a photo.

    --- Susan

  10. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Yes, that's the guy!
    scoutshouse likes this.
  11. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    scoutshouse and Bakersgma like this.
  12. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    I wondered about that hat too, Susan!
  13. Wanttoknow

    Wanttoknow Well-Known Member

    There is group "Village People" sitting at the front on the chairs! :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    scoutshouse likes this.
  14. Wanttoknow

    Wanttoknow Well-Known Member

    Oh! Baby got a sunburn! :wacky:
    scoutshouse likes this.
  15. Gatortail

    Gatortail Active Member

    He sort of looks like radio host Steve Gill

    Attached Files:

    scoutshouse likes this.
  16. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    It looks so theatrical.....pseudo-oriental....
    scoutshouse and Gatortail like this.
  17. Gatortail

    Gatortail Active Member

    "Ling Ting Tau Tung is Japanese for FeFiFoFum"
    -Townes Van Zandt Talkin Karate Blues
    scoutshouse likes this.
  18. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

  19. Gatortail

    Gatortail Active Member

    scoutshouse likes this.
  20. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    I'll be right over.
    scoutshouse likes this.
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