Featured Bakelite?

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Ashley Felton, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. Ashley Felton

    Ashley Felton Well-Known Member

    What are these??? They have two holes in them
    1DBE13D3-8172-49DC-899B-D63849BFA24F.jpeg 4399F888-1D3E-4B96-B802-BCD1C50C2446.jpeg DD6B99A1-746B-43A8-961D-EBB5D05DB020.jpeg
    Christmasjoy, Aquitaine and judy like this.
  2. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

  3. Xristina

    Xristina Well-Known Member

  4. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    Yes, old mah jongg tiles that were drilled to make a bracelet. They may be Bakelite, the only way to know is test them.
  5. Ashley Felton

    Ashley Felton Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the help!!
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