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Cast Iron Arabian Horse

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Josh, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. Josh

    Josh Well-Known Member

    Just picked this up yesterday, not sure if it antique or not but was not sure where else to post it. Small cast iron Arabian horse figurine. Measures 2 3/4" tall and is 3 1/4" long. No markings that I can find. Seems to be fairly well detailed for the size. Any help is appreciated.

    DSCF8189 - Copy.JPG DSCF8191 - Copy.JPG DSCF8193 - Copy.JPG DSCF8199 - Copy.JPG DSCF8201 - Copy.JPG
    leWiste likes this.
  2. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Not an expert by any stretch, but everything I have seen with this "overall" verdigris finish has been new or almost new, made to look old. I even have a couple items myself that were purchased within the past 20 years at a little "home décor" shop in Rhode Island that specialized in things of this type.
  3. silverthwait

    silverthwait Well-Known Member

    What Susan said: but he is a pretty color, and unlike some horses that appear on this board, he has thighs!
    Tauriel and Bev aka thelmasstuff like this.
  4. Josh

    Josh Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I figured as much, but it never hurts to ask for a second opinion.
  5. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    He's a nice looking horse.
    I agree, probably imported in the last few 20 years or so.

    There are a lot of horse collectors. You should be able to do ok with it, if selling. It's not the usual plastic or ceramic horse you see.
  6. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    I've some stuff like this - it's sold on the Greek Islands quite a bit. It makes a fine garden ornament.
  7. Josh

    Josh Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys, I will probably try to sell it, if not I will just keep it.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Or wait till Shilo gets back.....and wants it !
  9. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    I agree, try to sell it, there are many who collect horse items and this could be a cool item to have at home or in an office setting.
  10. Bonnie Bonny

    Bonnie Bonny New Member

  11. Bonnie Bonny

    Bonnie Bonny New Member

    This is a copy of a Morgan horse made by Breyer/and or/Hagen Renaker, how it got to be a cast iron object, I am not sure, but think the artist was Maureen Love, it is still sold by Hagen Reneker in ceramic, and Breyer in resin. I did see a copy of one of their arabians done in Italy, in a base metal. But they copied the B from Breyer on the leg, and Breyer at that time had never made a metal horse. They have in recent years.
  12. Bonnie Bonny

    Bonnie Bonny New Member

  13. desperate_fun

    desperate_fun Irregular Member

    This horse is different than the Hagen horse. Compare the Tails.
  14. Bonnie Bonny

    Bonnie Bonny New Member

    When the horse was copied, they changed it, the Artist of credit is Maureen Love.
    When making a mold for ceramics, it is easier to add the tail to the leg, same with resin, the Breyer. I do not know what Maureen's original material was for creating the horse, but it is the same work.
  15. Bonnie Bonny

    Bonnie Bonny New Member

  16. Bonnie Bonny

    Bonnie Bonny New Member

    I first saw this horse, in 1969 in Lake George New York. On a trip to a dude ranch. I bought him, he was a small souvenir with a base that said Lake George on it.
    The next time as a key chain in Spain at a Romeria in El Rocio. I bought three. From the back of a horse. lol Once I returned to the US from my Military service, I found the ones that Breyer had, and since then, the ones made by Hagen Renaker. I am sure Miss Love sold rights to certain manufacturers. The mold has been retired by both companies now. The artist is no longer alive, and the mold has a certain life span, once the details are lost, it is not possible to make a good copy unless the artist can reproduce another original to remake the mold from.
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