Need antique New England furniture help

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Leah, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. Leah

    Leah New Member

    I need advice on this dining room set. I have recently moved and don't have room for this antique set I've loved for years. It was a gift from a close family. All I know is that it is from New England in the late 1800s. It spent a lot of it's life in a rectory. It is in need of love. Any advice or thoughts would be great appreciated.

    I'm new to posting in a forum - I put media under my page, there are pictures there. They were too large for the post.
    lauragarnet likes this.
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    I think circa 1900 or just slightly later. Walnut veneer. Style is based on William and Mary designs but by no means pure in form. Factory made and not really specific to a church rectory. As likely made in Grand Rapids as New England. Value for this type of furniture is way down. I would think that any offer over $500.00 should be considered if you are motivated to sell. I doubt you would get even that much at auction. This is based on my Midwest perspective but doubt it would fare much better in most locations.
  3. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Around here you'd be lucky to sell it at all. In New England, that is. I've seen gorgeous sets of Ethan Allan go for peanuts. If Brad's $500 walked in the door and I had that set, I'd take it. Dining room sets tend to be a tough sell.
  4. Leah

    Leah New Member

    Thank you both for your input. I guess I will just try to find it a home with someone who has some time to fix it up :)
  5. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    If it needs work, the value drops way off what I suggested. Major work and it might as well be firewood .... sad but true :(
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