I bought several prints/block prints could sure use some help with

Discussion in 'Art' started by mymysharona43, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    I posted them on the finds thread the first 2 have Penn Prints New York so mid century prints, still curious about the artists though
    Here is the third one not by Penn Prints

    I will post the others later dont want to be too confusing
    Thanks for any help!!


    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  2. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    kilugawa Eizan is what I found by on the first one, but wondering about age, having trouble with the second one
  3. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    Duh guess they're both by him
  4. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    I have found most of these I think....except the horses (still working on them) but guessing they're 20c not 19th? Can anyone help with age, just not sure where in the 20c They appear to some age...
    Here is a closer image of the paper, maybe that will help?
    Would greatly appreciate a little help!
  5. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    All the 19th century 'floating world' prints I have sold bled through the paper so much you could see them almost as well from the back as the front.

    I never got round to educating myself about the later reprints apart from a couple of fairly well known series.
  6. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    Thanks af it has been a long time since I had any and have only had a small few years ago. So do you think these are mayby mid century copies?
  7. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    The ones I had were on thinner paper
  8. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

  9. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    of course I can't really tell from the photo's
  10. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    I suspect a real expert could tell more from your pictures and other pictures, but I'm sorry to say that I can't, much as I'd like to.

    If they are all unframed, don't show bleed through and have 90 degree corners, early impressions seem to be ruled out. There were some 'standard' sizes, but I can't remember what they were.
    mymysharona43 likes this.
  11. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    Thanks af for helping!
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