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Featured Hi all! I'm so glad I found this site!

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Mary G, Yesterday at 7:15 PM.

  1. Mary G

    Mary G New Member

    Hi everyone! I'm so glad I found this site, I have lots of questions and lots to share.

    My primary interest these days is Mexican, Guatemalan and other South and Central American Milagros, Crosses and Chachals and also the glass beads used to make these necklaces. The first picture enclosed is a perfect example of a Chachal, unfortunately I don't own that one. :-(

    The second and third pictures are of a Guatemalan Chachal I do own.:)
    Is anyone else familiar with these types of necklaces?

    I look forward to chatting with you all,
    Any Jewelry, Bronwen, mirana and 2 others like this.
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Hi, @Mary G, and welcome! I've taken the liberty of reposting your photographs as Full Image so they're easier for everyone to see. You'll want to remember to do that in future postings. (And, not to worry. All new members do the exact same thing when they first arrive here.)

  4. Mary G

    Mary G New Member

    Hi Deborah! Thanks, I'll try to figure out how to do that. :)
    NewEngland, ulilwitch and Any Jewelry like this.
  5. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Easy peasy. Upload a file: Choose file: Upload: and then your choice is Thumbnail or Full Image. Just choose the latter.

  6. Mary G

    Mary G New Member

    Ok, great, I'll do that. Thanks Debora.
    I also need to learn how to navigate the site.
    Unfortunately I see the Jewelry Forum isn't very active.
    Oh well!
    NewEngland and ulilwitch like this.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    The Jewelry Forum isn't very active? There are some very knowledgable people there. I think you're going to be surprised!

  8. Mary G

    Mary G New Member

    Fantastic! I'll look a little closer. Thanks.
    ulilwitch likes this.
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!


    sometimes Jewelry gets posted in the Antique, or silver Forums , or on the Finds Thread.... in the General Discussion Forum...
    don't limit yourself to only one Forum.. or you may miss out on .... the Fun !
  10. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Greetings Mary !
    NewEngland and ulilwitch like this.
  11. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    There are a bunch of jewelry regulars and enthusiasts here! :D Those pieces are lovely. I look forward to learning about them from you!
    ulilwitch and Bronwen like this.
  12. Mary G

    Mary G New Member

    Greetings to you Bosko69! :)
    ulilwitch likes this.
  13. Mary G

    Mary G New Member

    Well you you want info and pics of all things Milagro and Chachal, I'm your gal! :)
    ulilwitch and mirana like this.
  14. Mary G

    Mary G New Member

    Ok, great, thanks for the tip Komokwa!
    ulilwitch and komokwa like this.
  15. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Welcome @Mary G
    I've moved your post to the Jewelry Forum. Also tagging @daveydempsey to look at the coins.
    ulilwitch and Bronwen like this.
  16. Mary G

    Mary G New Member

    Thank you so much Janet! :) I appreciate that.
    ulilwitch and i need help like this.
  17. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I'll be the first to say I don't know jack about millagros pieces, but there are a LOT of jewelry junkies in here. Some are generalists like me, and some are real experts in one field.
    ulilwitch, Bronwen and mirana like this.
  18. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    1872 un sol Peru... 900 silver.... nice prices on eBay... but not for these coins as they're drilled.... and so , buggered..

    I like the red , white heart beads ...
    ulilwitch and Bronwen like this.
  19. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Mary G. You might also want to check the 'Tribal' forum, as this is where anything that might be deemed 'ethnic' can sometimes fetch up. Suspect you will be our expert on all things ex-voto.
    ulilwitch and mirana like this.
  20. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Welcome Mary. I love your specialisation.:happy:
    We are one of the most active forums on Antiquers.;)
    I think you only looked at the first few threads with the red 'pins' next to them. Those are reference threads with jewellery knowledge that are 'pinned' to the top of the forum page. Below the pinned threads are the threads with inquiries and 'show and tell' jewellery.
    NewEngland, i need help and ulilwitch like this.
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