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Need help finding a key

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by benmarko, Yesterday at 4:10 PM.

  1. benmarko

    benmarko New Member

    derby_desk_drawer_lock_front.jpeg derby_desk_drawer_lock_back.jpeg gamewell_lock.jpeg I have a Derby desk with a lock on the middle desk drawer that differs from the rolltop lock. The keyhole is thin but doesn't have a conventional pin and tumbler mechanism. It appears to have a very similar keyhole to a Gamewell firebox lock I am also trying to find a key for.

    I can't open the drawer lock to see how it works, but I have enclosed photos of the drawer lock as well as the Gamewell lock (which I can open) so the similarities can be seen.

    I could use some help in finding keys for these. I've tried eBay and other sites, but the only keys I can find are either pin and tumbler keys or antique keys that have a stem/pin - neither of which work with this type of lock.
  2. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    Have you a local locksmith? I should think that's your best bet.
    Any Jewelry, Marote and Ghopper1924 like this.
  3. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Dumb question, but I'm guessing you don't live somewhere with a locksmith who also does old locks, huh? Mine keeps an absolute horde just for these situations.

    (Ditto bluumz :D)
  4. benmarko

    benmarko New Member

    No, no locksmith. I was hoping to get help here.
  5. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    How about a big antique mall, or even a decently sized store? Lots of dealers have piles of random keys, and if you bring the locks you might get lucky.
    Marote and mirana like this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

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