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Featured Sets From Marshall Fields & Neiman Marcus

Discussion in 'Textiles, Needle Arts, Clothing' started by dcfirebottle, Oct 16, 2024.

  1. Northern Lights Lodge

    Northern Lights Lodge Well-Known Member

    Wow @dcfirebottle !!
    What a lovely collection! It sure doesn't look like it has ever been used! I didn't know anything about Marghab; but according to what Joan posted... I'd say they are "right on". I agree with Jana, that green tablecloth set is done using "shadow embroidery", no matter who made it!

    Shadow work is worked with the embroidery on both the front and back of the textile, creating a "shadow" on the front or topside of the fabric. It looks just pristine and truly beautiful. I looked at the Marghab site and it does look like they produced shadow work pieces - so your price point should be quite decent on those!

    The lace edge pieces are handmade "Point d'Paris" bobbin lace, French in origin. The design is fairly typical of Turn of the Century pieces and is sometimes called "the shoe pattern". I am guessing they might be placemats? (can't tell by the photo). They are beautifully worked and again, pristine and do not look as if they were used. It is unlikely that the lace pieces were worked by Marghab; as this style of lace was not done in Portugal/Madeira. None the less, they are truly lovely.

    I'd love to finger your collection! All, just beautiful!!! Due to condition and beauty of the work; I think your pieces should sell well... despite linens and lace are difficult to sell right now. People still buy quality!
    Figtree3 likes this.
  2. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    I just clicked into the above link, ThingsMostDelightful, and was astonished at how beautifully their linens are presented. I think you have better luck selling them on line when you provide those types of photos. There are likely a lot of people who would purchase vintage table linens to use for just one occasion.

    You could also contact the above web site and see if maybe they might be interested in buying some of your stock.
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