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Featured like to ask your help in determining the origins of this woven tapestry

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by Robert Walker, Jan 27, 2025.

  1. Robert Walker

    Robert Walker Love to learn...

    Hi All!

    I have several thoughts about were it could come from. But I would really appreciate your thoughts. On the rear end; white cloth. Judging by the 'loops' at the corner, my guess is, it was originally stretched on a framework. (Like you sometimes see with similar pieces.) It doesn't really show on the pics- it has -although somewhat faded- bright colors!)

    Size: W66x40cm

    I would love to hear your thoughts;

    All the best,


    cxgirl, J Dagger, Boland and 4 others like this.
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    The figures look inspired by San (Bushmen) rock art.
    Tagging one of our South African members @Boland .
    J Dagger, Boland, wlwhittier and 2 others like this.
  3. Robert Walker

    Robert Walker Love to learn...

    Thanks for you thoughts. This I never would have considered! I've never even heard of them. Gives me something to look up!:)
  4. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I don't think this would be by a San artist, but it could be by another South African artist who was inspired by San rock art.
    Whoever did it, it is a very nice piece.
    Their rock art is beautiful, do look it up.:)
  5. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    It looks like it might have been made by a weaver in the Phumalanga (Mpumalanga) weaving workshop in Swaziland. Here is some information about the workshop, which was started in the 1970s by a German born artist working with local women artisans. They use hand spun mohair, and incorporate designs from rock art found in the region.
  6. Boland

    Boland Well-Known Member

    I can only agree :)
    Any Jewelry and 2manybooks like this.
  7. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    beautiful piece in that second link. Good NYT article, this rube would have liked a photo or two though.
    cxgirl likes this.
  8. Robert Walker

    Robert Walker Love to learn...

    Hi All. Hope you find yourself in good health.

    Sorry for the late response! (Moving house.)

    I really appreciate all the help and info. I collect items from Northern Africa. I knew; this is not N-A.

    What I often do and really like; buying an item, because I find It interesting.

    Then doing research, based on that tangible item. (And then often delve into info and history based on the origin of the item.)

    Often I'm able to find info on item- start double checkin- etc.

    In this case. I had thoughts, but definitely no 'sure answer'.

    Without exception: when ask my fellow forum-members, I get very helpful info.

    Or, as in this case, an answer. I had spend quit some time trying to find info on this item. For instance, through several 'reverse image' apps- I got suggestions.

    My -uneducated- guess was: made by an Aboriginal. I had a couple of options, that I was considering. Because one of the options was that it was 'art of the aborigines', -ad some 'determination to the thought proces '- I figured that the items that the figures depicted where boomerangs. (Anyone have thought on what the items could be- or are they B'rangs?)

    I never had expected it to be from Swaziland. Like 'J Dagger' I liked The NY Times article '2manybooks' posted. (I have '2manybooks' as a name on a personal email-address? :)

    It certainly made clear that (legitimate) questions concerning 'tribal art' and how it comes into ones possession, has been a longstanding debate.

    I found that the writer was slightly leaning towards one end. (I prefer a good question to an answer given.)

    I love it though that members share articles. It certainly got me going; I've been delving into the history- and of course the art of the region. (The film suggested in the time article was not what I expected- I thought It would be a documentary- haha.)

    So, again; many thanks.

    p.s. once again I have some trouble finding info on an item. Giving it a bit more time- but will post pictures. I look forward to learning from the community once again.

    All the best,

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