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Featured Glassies, help ID lidded candy dish please.

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by lvetterli, Jan 17, 2025.

  1. lvetterli

    lvetterli Well-Known Member

    20250117_151651.jpg 20250117_151644.jpg Hello friends. I picked this up a few days ago with the thought it is Viking. Using Google lens verified Viking but gave me a variety of patterns, most saying Yesteryear, some adding Bullseye to that. Replacements shows this pattern under Yesteryear but none in the dark emerald green. I did find one exactly like mine in avocado green on etsy only identified as Bullseye. Most that came up were Moon & Star. Knowing when it was made would be a wonderful bonus too.

    Thanks for all your help. I have a couple other glass mysteries I will put up after I get pics.

  2. laura9797

    laura9797 Well-Known Member

    Boy that is wonderful piece of Viking Glass!!! Bullseye! Edited to add that I always that Viking made it but you might want to see if L.E. Smith made repro's of it in emerald green. LOVE it!
  3. lvetterli

    lvetterli Well-Known Member

    It has the heft and finish of Viking. I don't really think it's Smith, it's better.
    pearlsnblume, laura9797 and Lucille.b like this.
  4. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    Oh, my gosh. My Aunt Blanche had one just like it. It was always filled with mixed hard candy. :happy:

    5906 Old Fashioned C-CJEFW4lN-large.jpeg
    pearlsnblume, lvetterli and laura9797 like this.
  5. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    I'm a sucker for green. That is gorgeous. Hope you can get info as to date. If I had to guess, maybe late 60's?
    pearlsnblume, lvetterli and laura9797 like this.
  6. dgbjwc

    dgbjwc Well-Known Member

    I went through my Viking Glass book and found an article on the Yesterday line that I apparently got through a site called Unfortunately, the site is behind a paywall. Anyway, somehow, at one point, I printed out an article on that site entitled "Viking Glass Yesteryear Bulls Eye Limited Production" by Preston Ver Meer. According to the article Yesteryear Bulls Eye was only produced from 1970 - 1971 and the only colors produced were Ruby and Avocado (Avocado only produced in 1970). The shape is one of the candy dish above is Viking but the color is not so I would assume a later production by another company. The Viking shape is #1805 6" Low Candy and Cover. I might be worth checking to see if anyone at the site could provide further information.
    pearlsnblume, Figtree3 and Lucille.b like this.
  7. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    On the Viking Glass site, the Yesteryear Bullseye Ivy Ball was made in Evergreen. Preston listed the covered candy only in Avocado Green and Ruby, but since other pieces were made in Evergreen, I would think it's possible the candy could have also been made in Evergreen. The web site is and they have a Contact Us link. I think it would be worthwhile to contact them to inquire.

    Viking Glass is crazy popular right now so if you have a rare piece, it might do well on line. I checked and saw an Avocado example that sold for $25. I think it was on Etsy.
    pearlsnblume and Figtree3 like this.
  8. lvetterli

    lvetterli Well-Known Member

    Wow! Thanks! I will definitely go to the VikingArtglass website. In the last 6 months or so I've had a huge "Three Foils" bowl, 2 Orb ashtrays and a "Bluenique" lidded candy, all Viking's Epic line, and all have sold relatively quickly. The candy sold almost right away. The manager of the mall I'm in in Iowa posts pictures every day on fb. Sometimes it's topical: "snowmen" "blow molds" flowers, sometimes just some random new things and some days she picks a "vendor of the day" and highlights their whole booth (after they have come in and restocked and/or done a big seasonal change. It's an excellent venue and I take my best finds there. That is where this candy will go.

    Thanks everyone! I'll let you know what I find out!

  9. lvetterli

    lvetterli Well-Known Member

    Did a little deeper dive on eBay and found one made in cobalt blue so maybe reproduced. But, dunno yet. Onward!

    pearlsnblume, Figtree3 and dgbjwc like this.
  10. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

  11. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    Lovely green color.
  12. lvetterli

    lvetterli Well-Known Member

    It's going out tomorrow. I'll let you know when it sells!


    Thanks for the good wishes!
    Figtree3 and pearlsnblume like this.
  13. Sedona

    Sedona Well-Known Member

    My gosh as well! You just brought back memories of my childhood visits to my grandmother’s house. By funny coincidence I also got her Viking glass candy dish…
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