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Featured George 111 Sewing Cabinet C. 1780.

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Poisonivy, Jan 16, 2025.

  1. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    1. After a lot of problems posting here you go ....
      So, here is the last project I've done, it's a sewing cabinet, George 111, C.1780.
      The sewing section left a lot to be desired but I knew I could improve it.
      I matched the colour to the drawers as the original colour was nice in them.
      I'm quite sure it once had a pin cushion so I made one for it also a needle book, the top left corner now has a holder for a tape measure and thimble, I took that out of a box the same age which wasn't in very good condition.
      Some of the sections needed replacing and some just a tidy up.
      The image on top is the goddess Juno with her Peacocks.
      IMG_0461.jpeg IMG_0464.jpeg IMG_0465.jpeg IMG_0468.jpeg IMG_0115.jpeg IMG_0117 2.jpeg IMG_0466.jpeg

    Attached Files:

    stracci, NanaB, kyratango and 17 others like this.
  2. 808 raver

    808 raver Well-Known Member

    Now that is a fantastic job on a fantastic little early cabinet, what do you think the wood is? satinwood with ebony and box stringing? Really nice!!!
  3. 808 raver

    808 raver Well-Known Member

    Perhaps not satinwood, I don't know but it's unusual.
    johnnycb09 and Poisonivy like this.
  4. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Looks burr walnut to me. What a pretty thing.
  5. 808 raver

    808 raver Well-Known Member

    I don't know but what a rare survival, original horn feet and ivory handles I suspect and those lion handles on the sides, lovely, just lovely
  6. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Juno, Goddess of Marriage. There may be an original print somewhere which inspired that image.


  7. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    Thank you ...
    I'm glad you asked that because I forgot to say, It's Yew Wood :)
  8. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    Yes, I've looked for that image and not found it yet, there's a similar one though :)
    kyratango, bercrystal and johnnycb09 like this.
  9. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    A stunning cabinet, a real beauty.:woot::woot: And a perfect job of course, as always.:happy:
    We've been missing your 'labours of love'.
  10. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    Thank you ...
    It's getting so hard to find boxes now but, I keep looking :)
  11. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Lovely thing ! You have a real gift in rescuing these .
  12. Northern Lights Lodge

    Northern Lights Lodge Well-Known Member

    Absolutely stunning! I LOVE it! Exceptional job! Wow!
    kyratango, Poisonivy and bercrystal like this.
  13. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    Absolutely gorgeous as always!!:happy::happy:

    Just curious. Do you keep the boxes you restore? How do you display them? :happy:
    kyratango and Poisonivy like this.
  14. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Wowser, and lovely refurbishing job!
    kyratango, bercrystal and Poisonivy like this.
  15. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    Thank you :)
    Yes I keep them and most of them are in cabinets, some are under the cabinets, I'm running out of space though, some that I bought years ago that I now know aren't very good I use as donor boxes for bits and pieces I need...
    kyratango and bercrystal like this.
  16. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your comment :)
    kyratango and bercrystal like this.
  17. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    Thank you :)
    kyratango and bercrystal like this.
  18. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    Thank you :)
    kyratango and bercrystal like this.
  19. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    What a beauty, I am in awe of your abilities!
    Just wondering how you determined that it was a sewing box? I would not have thought that lockable drawers would be necessary for keeping sewing bits and bobs.
    kyratango, bercrystal and Poisonivy like this.
  20. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    Thank you...
    I know the seller well and she is very knowledgeable...
    I take your point about the drawers though, maybe it was for jewellery too, I have one sewing box with a similar image on top that has a drawer at the bottom with little tubes of paint etc in it so they did combine uses for boxes and cabinets...
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2025
    kyratango, bercrystal and bluumz like this.
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