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Featured Need Help With Antique Chinese Lamp

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by WhatYouWantAndMore, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. WhatYouWantAndMore

    WhatYouWantAndMore New Member

    Please forgive me if this post goes against any rules as I am new here. I’m looking to list an old Chinese porcelain lamp on eBay but before I list it I would like to find out more about it, such as when it was made and what it might be worth. I’m also curious to know what is written on it because Google Translate hasn’t been able to help me, so if there are any traditional Chinese speakers out there or anyone who could give me any information on it, the help would be greatly appreciated.
    All I know about it is it was originally an oil lamp that looks to have been converted to electric at some point.
    Thank you in advance. IMG_8473.jpeg IMG_8474.jpeg IMG_8475.jpeg IMG_8476.jpeg
  2. lvetterli

    lvetterli Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Antiquers @WhatYouWantAndMore ! What an interesting lamp! I'm no help, just wanted to welcome you. Others with expertise will be along soon.

    Hi2022, kyratango, johnnycb09 and 4 others like this.
  3. WhatYouWantAndMore

    WhatYouWantAndMore New Member

    Thank you Linda!

    - Seth
    kyratango and cxgirl like this.
  4. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    I am thinking Japanese and always electric. The hole for the cord at the base and the turn-key switch are what makes me think this was always electric. I suppose these parts could have been added later but hard to say without taking this apart. Have you tried to do so? If as made originally, this would put this into the 20th century.
    Hi2022, wlwhittier and cxgirl like this.
  5. laura9797

    laura9797 Well-Known Member

    Lovely decor! Look at that butterfly!!!!
    WhatYouWantAndMore likes this.
  6. WhatYouWantAndMore

    WhatYouWantAndMore New Member

    The writing is not Japanese. My Japanese friend already looked at it and confirmed that. I'm pretty sure hole is drilled afterwards because it was done somewhat crudely and also there is a long copper pole welded onto the center for the cord to go through. The key was likely to adjust the wick because new it is screwed in place and doesn't do anything anymore.
  7. WhatYouWantAndMore

    WhatYouWantAndMore New Member

    IMG_8484.jpeg IMG_8484.jpeg The writing is not Japanese. My Japanese friend already looked at it and confirmed that. I'm pretty sure hole is drilled afterwards because it was done somewhat crudely. The key was likely to adjust the wick. It
  8. WhatYouWantAndMore

    WhatYouWantAndMore New Member

  9. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Welcome What-The more descriptive photos you can give us when you first post,the better.Lots of postings can drop at the same time and your's may get lost quickly in the traffic.
    wlwhittier likes this.
  10. WhatYouWantAndMore

    WhatYouWantAndMore New Member

    Hello, thanks for the welcome. :) I was hoping someone could read the writing and know more about the age and value. I think I got photos of the all the angles in the first post. I'm already pretty sure it was converted from oil to electric so I didn't think the inside and bottom were relevant but they are here now if someone wants to see. Any help finding out more about it would be much appreciated. Thanks again in advance.
  11. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    The writing does not look like any genuine Asian script. I suspect the vase is a type designed to look Chinese ("chinoiserie"), but made elsewhere.
  12. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    The costumes are Chinese and the vase/stand is not antique, but that is all I can tell you.
    kyratango and WhatYouWantAndMore like this.
  13. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    It's made to look Chinese, but the "writing" isn't any language I've ever seen. I'd bet on this being 1950s decorative rather than anything old.
    WhatYouWantAndMore likes this.
  14. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    It looks like a modern take on satsuma (Japanese) with immortal like characters but with a famille (Chinese) rose kind of palette. Just mixed styles really, to give it an oriental 19th C. feel
    WhatYouWantAndMore likes this.
  15. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    To me it’s definitely wanting to be Chinese rather than Japanese. It was confusing the hell out of me until Chinoiserie mentioned their namesake. It’s gotta be another culture/place making something in the Chinese style. The colors aren’t quite right for a Chinese made piece to my eye. I also don’t know that to be a traditional Chinese form, though I may be wrong. The daisy like flowers along the top border and the lower flowers don’t look at all like Chinese representations of flowers to me either. The figures are done quite well. They seemed to pay the most attention to those. The woman reading is pretty accurate to what she would look like on a Chinese made piece from the 18th century outside of the colors used. The other figures are good but look a bit cartoony. The guy with the large Caligraphy brush, his clothes are particularly wrong looking. I can see why Chinese flowers would be harder to replicate in a way. You’d have to change your outlook altogether in a way to paint them the way the Chinese did. It’s an interesting thing and it’s good looking but I think the previous posters are correct, not Chinese made. If it is Chinese made it was to appeal to some weird western taste. I don’t know who else would have made it though. Wouldn’t be a Fredrick Cooper type thing would it?
    Hi2022 and Potteryplease like this.
  16. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Would/could you post a photograph of the entire lamp shot from straight on? Photographed against the plainest background possible? And dimensions please. Lamp heights change with decorative fashions and might be helpful for dating.

  17. WhatYouWantAndMore

    WhatYouWantAndMore New Member

    Thanks for all your help everyone! I appreciate it very much. Unfortunately, I've found it very hard to post photos on here. It keeps saying the file size is to big. I have to take a photo, then take a screenshot of the photo, then crop it before I post it. I'm doing it mostly on my phone so I don't have to upload the photos to my computer.
    komokwa and kentworld like this.
  18. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Frederick Cooper was my first thought too, but the hardware looks too old in a way.

    Can't help with origin on this but it seems to have some very nice quality in the decor. It's much nicer than your average vintage or Antique Asian lamp. There is a fineness to it. I would want to really find a comparable.

    Seems unlikely but could the text part be Persian? I know doesn't make sense, but something about it, the lines or something made me think of that.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2025
    J Dagger likes this.
  19. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    I use an image resizer app when on my phone (photo needs to be 1000 pixels or less). I can resize on my photo editing on my tablet.
    WhatYouWantAndMore and J Dagger like this.
  20. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    your persistence shows that u are capable of posting very good quality photo's here...

    Are U a NEW MEMBER, just found this site,LOOK HERE 1st ....
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