Featured Help Identifing this Pedestal Desk

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Alvar, Jan 6, 2025.

  1. Alvar

    Alvar Member

    Hello all,

    If possible would you mind helping me learn a bit more about this Pedestal Desk?

    Its dimensions are:

    Length - 48"
    Width - 24"
    Height - 30"

    The desk is in Birmingham UK. My neighbour wanted to throw it out but I thought it looked too good for that.

    IMG_0374 3.jpeg

    IMG_0375 2.jpeg

    IMG_0376 3.jpeg IMG_0380 3.jpeg

    IMG_0381 3.jpeg
  2. laura9797

    laura9797 Well-Known Member

    Looks like a typical 20th century Georgian style mahogany kneehole desk on bracket feet. The top should come off of twin pedestals. Only the three top drawers lock - are the locks stamped? The drawers look like there is cockbeaded molding. Would love to see photo of drawer construction. Veneer is really worn. This piece would be fun to paint. Looks like it is structurally sound as well.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    You are absolutely right. A very useful desk with a nice look, if you have room for it. A little TLC will work wonders.
  4. Alvar

    Alvar Member

    Thank you for your reply. Yes the top does come off the pedestals and there are 3 locks to the drawers, which are not stamped. The drawers do have mouldings and the fronts are morticed and tenon jointed.

  5. Marote

    Marote Well-Known Member

    I think I've seen a similar desk before...
    Now, where was that?

    Ah, yes, I remember it again...
    It was..


  6. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

  7. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    40s-50s Chippendale-esque. A decade or 2 later if those screws in the lock are original (which I doubt). Better than 99% of what you can buy new. Doesn't look like it needs too much work really.
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