Some thing Abstract found again

Discussion in 'Art' started by gerspee, Dec 15, 2024 at 5:43 AM.

  1. gerspee

    gerspee Well-Known Member

    And this one I have never found any similar painting on the net so any idea about Artist en when made and where ? Thanks 2024_12_14_15_18_IMG_9823 (Middel).JPG 2024_12_14_15_18_IMG_9824 (Middel).JPG 2024_12_14_15_18_IMG_9825 (Middel).JPG
    bosko69 and Any Jewelry like this.
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Someone named Wim who was active in 1966.
    The only one I can think of is Wim Jonkman, but as far as I know he signs with 'Jonk'. He does have a very varied oeuvre.
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