Mourning / Memorial Photo

Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by verybrad, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    This photo came with a Midwest lot with photos primarily from IL, MO, and KS. The name on the flowers is Grace Hitz and it is also written on the back. There is no other identifying information. I was able to find some with this name but none that fit time-wise. I am assuming this is turn of the century or a bit later. Any other information anyone can provide or comments are appreciated. Overall size is 7 3/4" x 6" with a photo size of 5 1/2" x 4". Would this be considered a cabinet card at this size? Is that a corner of a coffin at the far left or is this just a table arrangement?

    Pics can be enlarged by clicking on them.......

  2. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    I'd vote for table arrangement based on the variety of non-matching cloth over whatever the flowers are sitting on. Could be at home and the family used whatever they had.

    If I recall, there is a specific size for "cabinet cards." Fig will know for sure.
  3. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Hi, it is not a cabinet card. I just call any later type of photo mounted on a card ( if it is not a cabinet card or a carte de visite) a card-mounted photograph or something similar. Around the turn of the 19th to 20th century and going into the first 20 years or so of the 20th, lots of different sizes of cards sprouted up. If you are going to sell it, I don't think a specific name for the size of the card will make much difference. There is this detailed page that talks about sizes, and lists a lot of names, many of which I've never heard of... I have seen this posted before in in Facebook groups, and the person who wrote the page and owns that site is a well-respected photographer and collector, so... use if it makes sense:

    I don't see the size of your card listed there.

    I personally feel that some of the names are irrelevant for purposes of selling, unless you are targeting an extremely knowledgeable clientele.
    Bakersgma likes this.
  4. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    And I think this photo is likely to belong somewhere in the early 20th century. This is based on the card design. Also, if that is a relatively contemporary photo of Grace, she died so young!

    UPDATE: I just looked in Find A Grave and found this very young person named Grace Hitz who lived in your part of Illinois and died in 1903 at age 14. Could be, perhaps?
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  5. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    That may very well be her. Ludlow is very close by. Most of the photos were from a bit further away but the lot did come from right here. Thanks much!
    Figtree3 and yourturntoloveit like this.
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