Featured Can You Tell Me Anything at All about This Piece?

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by morgen94, Sep 18, 2024 at 2:07 PM.

  1. morgen94

    morgen94 Well-Known Member

    Well, yes, that was sort of what I meant...that I have no way of confirming any of this. For example, my first thought when I found the pin was that the fastener on the back was from about the 1890's, but when I read the post about the KKK affiliation, I realized I have no earthly idea how long the Klan has been around. If they were around that long ago, could this be connected to them as suggested?

    I did a bit of research and decided I will now try to eliminate the suggested KKK connection. I would like to know the OP's source(s) of information about this, but until I learn that I will start by contacting a curator at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture about it. I then also found some names of university-affiliated scholars of black history and will ask them about it. When I am satisfied that there is no connection, I will donate it to a charity, or something similar.

    Thank you all for the help.
    Any Jewelry, Marote and mirana like this.
  2. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    That's a lot of work to do against the (as yet) unsupported or documented opinion of a brand new member, who misidentified the object use and date. I'm not sure it's necessary, but wish you luck.

    The klan has officially been around since they were great big losers of the civil war (though obviously their disgusting ideology is older).

    Stars and comets have always been popular, but they were massively so around the turn of the century, including the lead-up to 1910's Halley Comet. There are whole pages in jewelry catalogs from the time devoted to star brooches.

    Here's one I have that mimics the center of yours.

    comet pin 1 sm.jpg

    If you were a klan wife, I'm not sure how you'd distinguish yourself from all the other women wearing stars, including Eastern Star members...or their Prince Hall chapter who also wore stars and were pre-dominantly African American. Not to mention, the klan have never been coy about proudly displaying their known symbols to attract other losers.
    Any Jewelry, reader, Marote and 2 others like this.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Good idea. Further research is needed, it could be perfectly innocent.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2024 at 9:46 AM
    morgen94 and komokwa like this.
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