Featured Vintage skateboards.

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Tiquer, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    It happened to my father. He went to college and when he came back for Xmas break, alot of stuff was gone.
    pearlsnblume, J Dagger and komokwa like this.
  2. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    My grandmother, who didnt' toss things, threw away all of my dad's 1940s/1950s baseball cards when he went into the Army. At the time they were "just junk"...but there was a Mickey Mantle rookie in there. You could about trade it for a car now.

    My mom finally stopped tossing my stuff, I hope, after I threw a few truly monumental temper tantrums. (for me anyway. ) When I go full volume screaming , you've gone wayyyy too far.
    pearlsnblume, J Dagger and komokwa like this.
  3. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    Nirvana has stayed cool. It kinda stopped being cool when I was in HS but kids were rebelling against rock as a trend and going to pop and hiphop. That stuff is still popular obv, but nirvana is back to its rightful spot in the cool world. I think it’s funny when I see young kids wearing nirvana shirts. The big yellow smiley face one is what I see most often. I think they literally sell them at JC Penny & Old Navy now. Nirvana is now played on classic rock stations. When I was a kid blaring it on repeat in my room my dad hated it. Now he likes it, just took a few decades to come around.

    There is absolutely two sides to the story. There’s zero question that my stuff is a burden. They’ve been very accepting and forgiving of my hoarding tendencies for the most part.
    NanaB, pearlsnblume and kentworld like this.
  4. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    Please be VERY careful if you decide to try to buy 80s boards to resell. Most have been reissued.
    Potteryplease likes this.
  5. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Ditto Tique-The original 'PP'/T. Hawk/Bones Brigade era original equipment can be worth a bundle.
    Wiki-'Powell was an engineer frm Stanford & started making homemade skateboards in 1957 ! In '74, Powell's son asked for a skateboard & Powell found an old one in the garage-his son said it was a rough ride.
    Powell got interested in skateboarding again & realized urethane wheels improved a skateboard's ride. With this prompting, Powell started making his own skateboards and wheels. He baked his own urethane wheels & used new materials like aluminum and fiberglass to fabricate his own composite boards. One his test riders was Stacy Peralta.
    When Powell was laid off from his job in the aerospace industry, he moved from LA to Santa Barbara to start his own skateboard business.'
    PS-Funnily (or not) for Us real old timers,most of the pre-PP boards aren't worth anywhere near what Powell Peralta boards are.:playful::arghh:
  6. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    Isn't that insane about the values?? I told my wife the same.
  7. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Values on some Collectibles are sometimes a mystifying.
  8. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    I guess I should have known they would have value since they made such a huge impact. The one I had is now $600!!! I offered the guy 350 and he turned me down.
    komokwa and pearlsnblume like this.
  9. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    So in the past 3 weeks I've now acquired FIVE 80'S skateboards!! 4 for wall art, 1 to ride.

    I can't get any more unless I want to be single again.
    mirana and pearlsnblume like this.
  10. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    And this isn't the 80s, so... you're not Young'n'dumb any more.
    Tiquer likes this.
  11. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    But at your age-any serious wipe outs you had could be featured on 'Senior Jackass',another revenue source never hurts !
  12. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    Not gonna lie, that is in the forefront of my mind when skating now. Skateboarding definitely requires different balance and leg strength than other sports. I'm fighting my way back.
    pearlsnblume likes this.
  13. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

  14. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    My husband broke all his boards from use. I bought him one in 2001 which he still has and we use as a furniture mover occasionally. :hilarious: He took it out for a spin a few years back and while his ankles are still as spongey as ever, it definitely requires practice. He also wasn't thrilled with my threat that if he's going to get back into it, he's wearing a helmet minimum and I'd prefer pads as well. I got to hear the teenager come out of him at that suggestion! :hilarious: But beyond the issues inherent in falling off the board, and age making injury easier, we live in a city and not a cul-de-sac like he used to with the ramp his dad made his posse. :D
    pearlsnblume likes this.
  15. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    It's still fun but definitely more scary over 50!

    I took my board to an ice cream place that we go to bc I knew they had a sidewalk with a decline out front.

    Well, I got lined up and started down. One section had a quicker drop than the others so I started picking up speed fast! I said oh F and jumped off of the board. Didn't need to find myself part of the fence at the bottom while families were sitting and eating ice cream LOL!!
    mirana and pearlsnblume like this.
  16. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    At today's flea mkt, I scored an 18x20" frame for $2 to put my Powell Peralta poster in.

    It's not perfect but these frames start at $20!!

    It had some really bizarre artwork in it and you could see that the sellers were trying to figure out why I would want it :) 20240720_130927.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2024
    pearlsnblume and verybrad like this.
  17. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    It's boarder stuff. Somewhere a Milennial is crying at someone saying "who'd want that". (LOL)
    NanaB likes this.
  18. NanaB

    NanaB Well-Known Member

    I saved my kids things (they both went into the military) I boxed into storage bins that are waterproof & up into the attic they went. Over the past few years when they visit, I ask them to please either take what you want, or tell me what I should do with all of these boxes. However I keep telling them that I will send a bill to both of them for storage! (kidding) Last year they both told us we are hoarders for saving skateboards & helmets. So to read that this is now a thing that can bring high $$$$ So are their Pokémon Cards, Yughio (I am sure I misspelled that) Pogs & a entire attic filled with whatever I knew they loved. My husbands mother threw out so much of his when he went into the Army, what was saved was done by his Grandmother. To me they are memories & not mine to discard. So far my older one has taken some of his things. My middle Grandson took his Barney (that obnoxious purple dinosaur) my Granddaughter has his Beanie Babies. My daughter in law now has a decent amount of my family jewelry & some of my silver. Everything else is written as to who gets what so we have no arguments. But I wonder since we are the hoarders, storing everything how horrible would it be if I were to sell them (I would never)!
    mirana, komokwa and pearlsnblume like this.
  19. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    Here are my decks that I finished getting on the wall today! 20240720_212153.jpg
    kentworld and mirana like this.
  20. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I'm having a rough patch with my kid...and and I partly know why....

    my daughter writes....
    " .Mom has me throwing stuff away, she has too much art here as is no interest in collecting more. I’m literally home helping her give away and throw away papers, little kid stuff, old clothes and more......."

    and more.... :inpain::jawdrop::inpain::jawdrop::(

    throwing out your kids stuff.....that's one thing...

    making her help you do it............ that's low !

    Poor kid !

    I'd like to kick my ex in her.................. u know where !!!!!:mad:
    pearlsnblume likes this.
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