Recommendations on safest cleaner and wax for antique wood

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by research, Jun 27, 2024 at 3:07 PM.

  1. research

    research Member

    I've accumulated several 18th century blanket chests and I am somewhat new to antique wood furniture.

    I am looking for recommendations on a mild, non-aggressive cleaner (for general cleaning of dust, mildew, etc)

    I am also looking for recommendations for a good wax to use to protect the pieces.

    Thank you
  2. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    Howard’s Feed and Wax. Look no further!
  3. research

    research Member

    Thanks! Looks like that contains petroleum. Guessing that isn’t great to put on antique furniture? I’ve also been told in the past to avoid oils on antique wood.
  4. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    It’s absolutely the finest thing to put on antique furniture. I’ve been using it for over 10 years with excellent results. Once or twice a year is more than adequate.
    What you don’t want to use is Pledge or some other mass market polish, which has tinted oils that darken the furniture over time in exchange for a short-term shine.
    komokwa likes this.
  5. research

    research Member

    Thanks again! So petroleum products won’t harm antique wood/finishes?
  6. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    That’s my suggestion; it works for me.
    komokwa likes this.
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    u don't show photos, or say what kind of wood in what manner of condition...... so u get a general answer...... & @Ghopper1924 has mentioned Howard's on a number of occasions here.......
    I think he has stock on the company....:playful::playful::playful::woot:
    Ghopper1924 likes this.
  8. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    You’d think so, wouldn’t you? sadly, I don’t. Just love the stuff.
    komokwa likes this.
  9. research

    research Member

    Thanks. As mentioned, looking for a general cleaner and wax that applies to antique furniture in general, not a specific type of wood. But also understand if that doesn't really exist.

    Most of these chests and pieces I am buying are pine with finished tops and drawer exteriors, and unfinished backs and drawer interiors.

    Ideally looking for something that is somewhat universal.
    komokwa likes this.
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