Featured Funky surprise rug

Discussion in 'Textiles, Needle Arts, Clothing' started by J Dagger, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    They were shockingly fast and very good at hiding. I never really knew moths to be quick but those ones were. You couldn’t just try to kill it the second you saw it. You really had line up and get in place for the perfect whack. If you missed you could almost be assured you weren’t going to get another shot at it. One missed slap and they were gone, disappeared in thin air. Of course her bengal cat didn’t have the slightest interest in catching them. Frigin bum. Fly’s it liked, moths nope.
    Any Jewelry and stracci like this.
  2. stracci

    stracci Well-Known Member

    I was having a hard time killing a them as they flew by. They are fast and my hands are small!
    So I actually made a net to catch them, from a wire coat hanger and super fine mesh material I had. I fashioned it like a butterfly net. It worked great, and we caught as many as we could that way.
    This was before we tore out the carpet, which made all the difference.
    J Dagger and Any Jewelry like this.
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