IHRI Metal Crucifix Jesus Christ on Cross with a wooden backing Cross

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by rknarr2, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. rknarr2

    rknarr2 Well-Known Member

    Vintage Used IHRI Metal Crucifix Jesus Christ on Cross with a wooden backing Cross
    Dimensions about 15 1/4" x 9 1/4" It weighs 4 lbs. 12 1/2 oz. I would like to ask
    what the metal is used to create the cross? Is it brass or tin? Also, what decade would you think this is from? Thank you for assistance in these requests.
  2. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    The letters at the top of the crucifix are INRI - representing the Latin inscription IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM (Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum), which in English translates to "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews".

    It is difficult, if not impossible, to suggest what metal has been used based on a photograph.
  3. rknarr2

    rknarr2 Well-Known Member

    Appreciate the lesson on the initials. Why have a metal forum? Rhetorical question but I am sure you will answer it anyways.
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Additional photographs would be helpful. The back, for instance.

  5. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    And photos of details please.
    You have it in hand, we don't. Which means we can't test it.
    For a start, is it magnetic?
    I'm in Continental Europe, we don't do lbs and oz. Is the weight as you would expect, heavier, lighter?

    The metal has been treated so it has a matte effect. It looks somewhat like gilding, with some grey showing where the top layer is worn.
    As 2many said, it is impossible to tell what metal it is based on a photo. It is also impossible to tell what the "gilding" is.
    Additional photos, including details, side view, could bring us closer to an ID.
    2manybooks likes this.
  6. rknarr2

    rknarr2 Well-Known Member

    I will take the aluminum deck screws out , which is not original to the cross, and flip the metal cross over for pictures.
  7. rknarr2

    rknarr2 Well-Known Member

    A magnet will not stick to brass. Conversion using my computer from ounces to kilograms is 2.16873852 kg. I will add more pictures like the sides. I will also take the unoriginal aluminum deck screws out and turn the metal over on its underside and get pictures of that as well. It has a tiney sound when I tap it with my finger nails.
  8. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you have already identified the metal. Why are you asking here then?:confused:
  9. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    We can help identify the age and function of metal objects based on their appearance and other clues shown. But identifying the actual metal can be more complex, particularly with an object whose function does not depend on its composition. Crucifixes have been made of gold, silver, tin, pot metal, and a variety of plated and patinated materials which can't be determined from a photograph.
    Bakersgma and Any Jewelry like this.
  10. rknarr2

    rknarr2 Well-Known Member

    No. Your assumption is wrong.
  11. rknarr2

    rknarr2 Well-Known Member

    I was right.
  12. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    Would you prefer we not answer any of your questions?
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  13. rknarr2

    rknarr2 Well-Known Member

    Just not rhetorical questions
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