hello, I am a person who has interest in beautiful items from the past!! I love older houses with character and I am looking for a new one to renovate and fill with treasures. It is good to meet you all!! Thank you, Correen
Good luck! I'd love to do that too and again. I did much to help a 1914 Craftsman farmhouse to a step or two up from what little it was because it was just that, mostly a functional farmhouse is all. Wish I still had it.
I know!! I had a 1925 colonial which I restore all the woodwork and decided I needed more space. I became me friends with the homeowner on face book and love to look at the photos she places so I can see it
I love the 20's. I love woodwork. I have my eye on another colonial, but I can't buy until May. I am trying not to get my hopes up!! I live in a first ring suburb and need to stay in a small area so my kids can stay in the same school. Right now I'm in a tiny 40's cape!!