Featured Crescent moon brooch

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by crazycatlady, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. crazycatlady

    crazycatlady Well-Known Member

    Flea market find, I'm thinking it's early 20th century is that correct? It's brass, the stones look a bit yellow in the photos but are brighter in person.

    IMG_20230930_132733.jpg IMG_20230930_132803.jpg IMG_20230930_132753.jpg IMG_20230930_132913.jpg
  2. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    I'm sure the joolies will be along to help soon! I just wanted to say that I don't believe it's meant to be a crescent moon, though it is a curved shape. JMHO.
    crazycatlady likes this.
  3. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    It’s a crescent moon, yes and they were a common motif in Victorian and Edwardian jewellery. It’s brass and glass, early twentieth. I’ve seen a lot of stuff made as copies of precious jewels, I’d think so that working class women could have pretties.
    mirana, Dessert58, johnnycb09 and 2 others like this.
  4. crazycatlady

    crazycatlady Well-Known Member

    Thank you OBB :)
    Ownedbybear likes this.
  5. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    I bow to your superior knowledge! :)
    I was just making a very uneducated observation based on the shape.
    Ownedbybear and crazycatlady like this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    you'd expect a little more roundness......;):happy:
    crazycatlady and bluumz like this.
  7. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Gawd, I don’t know that I’m that superior! ;)
    bluumz likes this.
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