@Any Jewelry, @Taupou, (and anyone else who may have insights) - I think this is some type of tampan/"ships cloth", but would be interested in your opinion on that identification and its age. I have read that the weavers in Lampung, Sumatra, stopped making the traditional cloths by the end of the 19th century, but that there was a revival of the technique in the 1970s, and weavers in other areas began making them for sale in the tourist markets of Bali and Jakarta. I am assuming this one that I just acquired is one of the later recreations. It is approximately 18 x 18" (in the frame). There is no information on the back. The slight irregularities in the photos are reflections, rather than flaws in the textile. Thank you.
It is beautiful, but I also think it is a later one. The style is pasisiran, or coastal, and in Lampung predominant blue was used for secular occasions, mainly red for sacred ritual. Pasir or pasisir means sand or sandy beach. I have heard tampans referred to as 'witness cloths', meaning their purpose was to witness a ritual.
Thank you! Do you know if these are still made for sale? Or was the revival brief? (I should have asked this in my first post, to save you writing again.)
I don't know. I haven't seen them, so it could have been a brief one. So yours is still pretty special.