I think this piece is quite good. Wasn’t able to find anything about the artist. Wondering if anyone would have better luck? E.A. Hockmeyer. Is it charcoal and gouache? Was in a slat back frame that had to be 100 or so years old or older. Acid and sun burned but not dead yet! I really dig it but have had it a couple years and probably won’t ever properly frame it. Someone should I think. Also caribou or elk? I don’t really know the difference I realized. I’m going elk.
After Landseer. 'The Challenge.' A stag according to The Met. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/653659 Debora
Hochmeyer, with ch instead of ck, a German name. It looks like charcoal and pastel to me. And an elk stag.
With Landseer, I would think it's going to be an elk, but I found the same Landseer print online described as "Caribou in Snowy Landscape". I'd still go with elk.
Agree. If Landseer ever saw a caribou it would have been in a zoo. We don't have native caribou in Europe. He did several elk paintings, his most famous is of course "The Monarch of the Glen", of a Scottish elk.
Of course, thanks. American elks are a typical American deer species. That means this one is also a red deer stag, if it is after Landseer.
Didn’t think to run it through image search. Was so focused on the name I hadn’t considered the work may have been known. Thanks
After seeing Hock the entire time I’ve owned it I did see Hoch before posting this. I did search Hoch and realized that Hock seemed much more common and just ran with it. Good call.