Featured Rhinestone Brooches Help

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by cxgirl, Feb 19, 2023.

  1. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    Hi all, I tying to figure out who made these.
    Any information is appreciated.
    thanks for looking:)
    Sizes range from 3" x 2 3/4" for #9 down to 1" for #11. Ignore #11 is Richelieu and #13 is Florenza, I didn't realize they were stamped/marked.
    #3 is the only one that has a pin stop so I thought maybe D&E but didn't find it. Similar, but no exact match.
    #6 is black on the back - Japanned?
    #9 reacts to a black light, the faux pearls look very weird under it - they look flat on top, not sure what is up with that.
    #8 I thought would be Sherman, but not finding it so I don't know who made it.
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    IvaPan, komokwa, kyratango and 4 others like this.
  2. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    wowie, those are simply stunning.
    Marko, IvaPan, cxgirl and 2 others like this.
  3. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    That leaf you thought was D&E sure looks like D&E to me! The one in the lower left is Austrian. 5 is by a jobber who did work for Weiss, but don't ask me who it was. That big one is..somebody.
  4. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    You are reawakening my brooch hunger !
    Marko, IvaPan, cxgirl and 2 others like this.
  5. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    thanks pearls:)

    thanks evelyb30:) I'm going to ask on the D&E group about the leaf #3 brooch. I found another one (Etsy listing) saying it is D&E but will see what FB says.
    Also found #9 in an Etsy listing saying it is a confirmed D&E, but no book reference. That one I don't think is, there is no pin stop, will keep searching.
    Will see what I can find on #5.
    here is the Etsy listing for #9 - the faux pearls look nicer than on mine and I like the price they are asking:)
    Screen Shot 2023-02-19 at 7.20.23 PM.png


    lol johnny:)
  6. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    I forgot to add a close-up of a couple
    Untitled - 1 of 1 (2).jpeg
    johnnycb09, pearlsnblume and IvaPan like this.
  7. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    3 definitely looks like D&E. 9 wants to be too but the pin & clasp is wrong I think.
  8. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    All of these are pretty fantastic! #4 and 9... just amazing. If you sell #9, I would play up the size of it which really sets it apart.

    No idea who made #4, but has to be a some designer. Construction is beautiful.

    Not sure whether to call #6 japanned. It does seem to be a darker metal, but I usually think of japanned as pretty much a solid black look.

    The Florenza piece has those cool black almost mirror-like stones. I've seen some sellers describe a mix like this as "fruit salad", but maybe that is more often used with more yellows/oranges etc. It's a nice piece and great it is signed.

    What a feast for the eyes. I'm sure you will do well with these.
  9. IvaPan

    IvaPan Well-Known Member

    An amazing collection!
    I can't help much in ID, though, to me they all look Czech...
    KSW, cxgirl and pearlsnblume like this.
  10. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    thanks KSW:) I agree with you on #9, but will ask on FB and update this thread

    thanks Lucille:)
    I found a similar Florenza that sold on RL, (sold price no longer shows), they called it molded glass and Baby Tooth pearl brooch - I had to laugh at 'baby tooth':) I'll post the link at the bottom of this post

    #6 is a gun-metal gray/black, not a black black, so not Japanned then:)

    thanks IvaPan:)

    KSW, johnnycb09 and IvaPan like this.
  11. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    #3 is confirmed D&E:)
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