I blame the Americans and Germans!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by carolgal, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. carolgal

    carolgal Well-Known Member

    Ah , you are very kind, although it would never match the vast and wonderful wilderness of your own.

    We speak very clearly and without slang to our treasured guests in case they may not understand and be embarrassed...horrors!

    I remember in Thailand those who had English chatted away, I couldn’t understand a word and they were really embarrassed till I whipped out my hearing aid which I don’t need and all was well again, himself said no battery, no battery.

    Yes, we use it all the time and write it. Read Marion Keyes for local talk. She is deceptively light but no fool like the rest of the Irish. Did I say we talk a lot? I‘m nothing like that at all. Cheers and thanks
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2019
    Aquitaine, pearlsnblume, judy and 3 others like this.
  2. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Aquitaine, pearlsnblume, judy and 3 others like this.
  3. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

    Was planning a trip to the library on Monday, so went to check if any Marion Keyes books were in stock here in town. Nope. Then off to eBay. . .several books listed with Marion in the eBay title but clearly showing the author to be MariAn Keyes. Back to my library online - several to choose from. I will pick one up and give it a go. I'm a read-oholic!!!

    Our tour guide had recommended "Angela's Ashes". Bought a copy in Ireland and have to say she was spot-on to recommend it to me.

    My mother & I spent 5 days, of a 17 day UK bus tour, in Ireland. It didn't rain the whole time we were there. The day we left the winds picked up and our catamaran trip across the Irish Sea was a bit choppy.
  4. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    Just for the record, I don't wax my loquacious or any other part of my anatomy! Okay, a bit of a trim now & then, but never waxing. Tried it once and found myself wearing a merkin for months.......................very inconvenient.........
  5. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    Whoa, is THAT a depressing book! (Nonetheless, I loved it! His brother's attempts to "get in on the fame"... not so much.)

    I, too, am a voracious reader.
  6. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    I can only say I admire your fountainous use of the language, M!
    pearlsnblume, judy and Mansons2005 like this.
  7. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    and I really don't recommending waxing your loquacious. Or your Locutus.
  8. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    I had to google for "merkin"... I expected a kind of... munchkin :bucktooth::facepalm:

    But THAT threw me on the floor!:punch::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
  9. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

    Totally agree with your assessment. I've read it twice since 2001, think I'll dig out my copy for a re-read after giving Marian Keyes a whirl.
  10. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    And another thread going wild...!!!:playful::facepalm:
  11. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    "I had to google for "merkin"... I expected a kind of... munchkin"

    Well, if you think about it........................
  12. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

    I googled it too. . .not sure what I expected but. . .well let's just say I'm pretty sure I blushed when a huge picture popped up on my screen. The things you learn on 'antiquers'. . .:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
  13. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Please don’t wane, either! :hilarious:
  14. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Invaluable tools for life :)

    Spectacular debut for @carolgal
  15. carolgal

    carolgal Well-Known Member

    Ok, Marion, Marian............... for a flavour of her try "making it up as I go along" a collection of articles written for the papers. Great bedtime reading.


    "This charming man" possibly the best description I have ever read of the destruction your ordinary psychopath creates in the world around him, not seriel killer stuff at all so don't worry. And anything in between.

    If you like easily readable poetry, try to get anything by Pat Ingolsby, Irelands greatest living poet in my opinion, never mind the arty farty crowd who know how to play politics. You would find it next to impossible as he is currently selling on O'Connell bridge in Dublin poor lamb. He fell out with all his publishers etc.

    I thought I was in the antiques forum? Enjoy!:)
  16. carolgal

    carolgal Well-Known Member

    You think? Been here a few days, picking up courage as I go along with all me likes:)

    Thanks Scout
  17. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    Ah, but a lot of us "antiques" like to read!
  18. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

    A jolly-good start when a post goes on several tangents at a time.
  19. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

  20. carolgal

    carolgal Well-Known Member

    on the floor here......................hilarious altogether
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