German Postcard Help Please

Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by johnett, May 9, 2015.

  1. johnett

    johnett Active Member

    I want to say first I think this was a horrible man for what he done with that being said. This is part of an estate and is not mine but I have looked and looked to no ends and can not find it. Can someone please help me I would appreciate it 20150509_093250.jpg 20150509_093301.jpg
    KingofThings likes this.
  2. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    And I just saw this and relearned this history about him too. Hope this priest had passed before.....
    There are;

    259 results for Hitler post card on ebay right now not counting sold ones. You might check these.

    Attached Files:

  3. johnett

    johnett Active Member

    I never knew that about the priest my daughter is learning about the holocaust in school. I think it is an important thing to learn so it will not be repeated. I looked on ebay through all of those and the sold listings and found nothing
    KingofThings likes this.
  4. Messilane

    Messilane Well-Known Member

    You may never find that exact one, but searching sold ones on eBay will give you feel for how they are selling.
    KingofThings likes this.
  5. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    Hmmmmm.... one of the millions of Heinrich Hoffman postcards. There was something about him on one of the History Channel's WWII documentary that concentrated on Hitler. It seems Hoffman came up with a very lucrative idea for him and Hitler. He had Hitler copyright all of his images, then have the images made into postcards. BTW, this copyright included his image on German postage stamps so that a % of the proceeds of each and every stamp came to Hitler! As Hitler was idealized in Germany, there were literally millions of Hitler postcards sold in the 1930s resulting in Hoffman and Hitler making a small fortune from the sales.

    Here is a site with Hoffman's Hitler postcards that includes a 1938 Hoffman catalog that has a pic of this card. The postcard like yours is on the page that is about 1/3rd of the way down the page. Some of the text to the right of the page is:
    "The 1938 Hoffmann catalog consists of 20 big heavily illustrated 9-3/4 x 12-1/2 inch pages..."

    Here are a few of Hoffman's Hitler postcards for sale with the prices they are asking:

    --- Susan
    Last edited: May 9, 2015
  6. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    WOW! Great info!!! :)
  7. johnett

    johnett Active Member

    oh thank you Susan! That was a good find
    KingofThings likes this.
  8. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    You're welcome, Johnett.

    >Hitler copyright all of his images<

    That part of my reply wasn't well worded. It came across as each individual pic was copyright. I believe it was only one all encompassing copyright that covered all his images.

    >it is an important thing to learn so it will not be repeated.<

    Very true!!! If one doesn't learn their history, they may be doomed to repeat it.

    "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

    We like to hear the history of our heroes and do-gooders, but we should know the history of our anti-heroes, villains. Two of history's worst villains were more or less of the same time, Hitler and Stalin. Hitler was able to mesmerize one of the most educated, literate, country in the world - Germany. If a people as literate as the Germans were could be mesmerized by the such as Hitler, it could perhaps happen to **any** country. BBC made an interesting documentary back in the late 1980 titled The Fatal Attraction of Adolph Hitler that helps, at least tries, to explain the attraction the German people had for him.

    An ongoing argument among some of the world's historians, who was the worst, the most evil, Hitler or Stalin. For decades Stalin had massive purges, the Great Terror. His reign of terror lasted from 1924 to when he died in 1953 (29 yrs) - estimates range as high as 50 million. He definitely had more killed. Hitler's mass murders hardly lasted 12 years - the length of the 3rd Reich (1933-1945). His mass murders were considered worst because they were racially motivated - the Holocaust, genicide of the Jews, and to exterminate Slavs who he considered only worthy to be slaves. No one is sure just how many were killed. The estimates range from 12 million to 20 million.
    Estimates: these are just estimates that could range 500,000 either way:
    6 million Jews
    2.5–4 million Soviet POWs
    2 to 3 million non-Jewish Poles
    1 million Serbs
    200,000 Freemasons
    100,000 Communists
    20,000 homosexual men
    2,000 Jehovah Witnesses
    100s maybe 1,000s of mentally disturbed Germans were euthanized

    Most of Stalin's massive purges were to his own people while Hitler wasn't so picky. He murdered civilians of many countries. Both H & S had a cult of personality, both tried to rewrite their history, both were paranoid, both may have been megalomaniacs, and both came from extremely dysfunctional families. As a boy Stalin was severely beaten by his father to the point of near death. Hitler was also severely beaten by his father and left for dead. If it hadn't been for his mother, he would have died. Being from a dysfunctional family certainly isn't a given for turning into a mass murderer, but it is eerie to know both had similar childhoods. Stalin once studied to be a monk and Hitler was an altar boy.

    --- Susan
    KingofThings and johnett like this.
  9. lauragarnet

    lauragarnet Well-Known Member

    Huh. A socialist who copyrighted and collected royalties from every purchase. Just goes to show, once again, how sick and twisted the Animal Farm rules of socialism work.
    KingofThings likes this.
  10. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member

    That image is scary.... That gentleman was a nut job...
    KingofThings likes this.
  11. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    Pat P and lauragarnet like this.
  12. elarnia

    elarnia SIWL

  13. Stanzerl

    Stanzerl Active Member

    Pat P, johnett and KingofThings like this.
  14. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

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