Featured Signed cameos, please help identify the name!

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Simona Buhus, Oct 30, 2022.

  1. Simona Buhus

    Simona Buhus Well-Known Member

    Hello beautiful people,
    It’s been a while….here are three cameos that would like to know a bit about.
    Two of them are set in Silver, possibly Hera and the other one Mary, the mother of Jesus.
    They are both signed, but not able to make up a name.
    The third one is set in 9 carat gold, the frame looks much newer and it is also signed. On this cameo I could probably venture and say that the signature starts with Mu, any opinions?
    Thank you.
    Kind regards,
    @Bronwen @PepperAnna @Any Jewelry @kyratango @Ownedbybear
    3B7821CE-F913-4625-89F9-233CA14DE7CA.jpeg 99A1D553-8187-4136-8196-E75D773B7205.jpeg EA412FC5-7C17-4A57-8057-149C8A4D6D06.jpeg A40B0F17-557E-4B60-92B1-510E5497547B.jpeg FED86620-7F2D-4602-A011-5FA7C1762F64.jpeg 18CA568C-C4A1-4E02-98F6-40E14ECA47F2.jpeg A1D034B4-C318-4BC2-BC51-E25A37B611A1.jpeg 9864E601-AD1D-42E9-BE93-0EA0307A6563.jpeg
    bercrystal, Figtree3, judy and 6 others like this.
  2. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    Hi Simona! Nice cameos. :happy:

    The signatures on the first two cameos are not known to me. The cameos were carved in the 1930s-40s. By that time, cameo carving was in a decline and there is no info on the carvers or their signatures.

    The first cameo looks to be Cleopatra with a small snake at her bosom.

    The last cameo signature seems to be Michelini. Nice subject- it is the Muse of Astronomy, Urania, with her globe and compass. I found an engraving that is the basis for your cameo. I found it on the Royal Astronomical Society website. Unfortunately, the website didn't list the artist.
    Figtree3, judy, Simona Buhus and 3 others like this.
  3. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    So far tonight the only signature I was able to get to was the last one that @PepperAnna might have identified! I don't know the names, I just try to clarify them, and maybe @Bronwen will be along tomorrow!! I brightened and contrasted in the top ( Pink ) image and inverted with contrast in the lower ( Blue ) image.... don't know if it helps or not.......

    A1D034B4-C318-4BC2-WITH OVERLAY.jpg

  4. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    I found the original painting by Eustache La Sueur. It is called "The Muse Urania" and was painted in 1646/1647.

    Figtree3, judy, Simona Buhus and 3 others like this.
  5. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    That helps a lot, Aquitaine! Thank you. Let's see if Bronwen concurs.
    judy, Aquitaine and Bronwen like this.
  6. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Bronwen just got home from the ER (A&E for our Brit friends) a couple of hours ago after tripping on her way in to her local pharmacy, falling on her right cheekbone, fracturing it & the eye socket, & maybe a little bit her nose. Right eye blackened & swollen shut, 3 sutures in the eyebrow, & blood keeps running out my right nostril if I don't keep something stuffed in it. Also wrenched right shoulder, which is what actually hurts more than my face if I move it. Appt with maxillofacial surgeon later today.

    You guys already have these nailed as much as I could do. Got excited that I was going to be able to ID the Michelini, then found you all beat me to it.

    Luigi Michelini started out in Rome & seems to have been there a number of years before moving to Paris & opening a shop there in 1829 or 30. Judging by the quality of the Urania, it dates to his Paris years, when he was taken under the tutelage of Girometti, who developed him into an engraver in hardstone, although I think he may never have completely abandoned shell.

    I'm going to see what lying down is like now. Bye.
  7. Boland

    Boland Well-Known Member

    So very sorry to hear that Bronwen. It all sounds awfully painful. Good luck with your appointment today. All the best for your recovery and God bless..
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Oh, you poor thing !!:bigtears:
    That's awful !!
    I hope u have whatever painkillers u need , and the softest pillows !:happy:
    & ice cream....... ice cream is good !:hungry::hungry:

    I hope the Dr. , only has good news for you !!
    You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery with no lasting ill effects !!:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

    Tripped , you say ?:wideyed:
    Sounds more like you were thrown down a stair case ....or unceremoniously mugged ......:eek:

    Get well , soon !!!!!:happy:
    bercrystal, judy, Aquitaine and 2 others like this.
  9. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Bronwen, what they said. That is one terrible fall, I hope you have pain relief and can get some rest.
    If lying down is painful, get enough pillows and cushions to lounge comfortably like a Turkish Pasha.:playful: And let your boyfriend spoil you.:)
    Will you let us know how the surgeon's appointment went?
    bercrystal, judy, Aquitaine and 2 others like this.
  10. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Had a reasonably comfortable lie-down, but wasn't able to sleep, mainly because I couldn't breathe through my nose. Seem to have stanched the bleeding for the moment; trying not to reactivate. There's a fracture right where the cheekbone meets the nose, think it comes from there. There was a bloody (literally) nasty episode when I stopped off at their loo after being discharged & no one came in response to the emergency alarm.

    Before heading off to see surgeon, have to go back to drug store to pick up Rx I went for yesterday + the antibiotics the hospital ordered. Can see this is going to be a full time job for a bit.

    Thanks for all the good wishes. Will let you know if they want to screw my face back together. Seeing as this is Hallowe'en, think I'll just wink at people on the train, tell them it's all makeup & I'm going as Paul Pelosi.
  11. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Sounds like that could be it. A nasty place to have a fracture.
    That's no good. Fortunately you survived, but I'd hate to think what happened if someone had a heart attack.
    I'm sure they will do their best to make it look good.
    I'm glad you've still got your sense of humour.:playful::kiss:
  12. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    Oh, @Bronwen, I'm so sorry to hear about your misadventure! I wish you a relaxing and comfortable recovery.
    I have quite a fear of falling now that I'm in my later years. The last two times I hit the ground unexpectedly, I ended up with a broken wrist and a broken foot respectively!

  13. Lark

    Lark Well-Known Member

    Wish you speedy recovery @Bronwen. At least you can still think clearly.
  14. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    OH MY Goodness..... @Bronwen !!! Falling is absolutely awful to begin with, but landing on one's face for a 'cushion' is the worst!!! You're in our prayers to get rapidly out of pain and heal/recover quickly!!! Yes, PLEASE keep us posted!!?? A bouquet of flowers for YOU............you don't even have to try to smell them!!

    Flowers 4 U.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
    judy, Bronwen, Any Jewelry and 2 others like this.
  15. Rufus@frockstarvintage

    Rufus@frockstarvintage Well-Known Member

    So sorry for your misadventure but LOL at the above quote - which is pretty close to what ran through my mind as I read your post! Best wishes for good Doctors, better drugs, and a full, fast recovery :)
    judy, Bronwen and komokwa like this.
  16. Simona Buhus

    Simona Buhus Well-Known Member

    Dear @Bronwen,
    Sorry to hear about your fall, sounds very painful. Hope your shoulder and cheekbone are not in need of surgery and hope to hear that you made a full recovery. Please have a rest, we will wait patiently to hear from you.

    Thank you for the shared knowledge about the carver Luigi Michelini, I will do some reading about him soon. Would like to post one more photo of the back of the frame as the clasp looks new, it may have been one of his cameos that was reframed in recent years.

    Thank you again.

    Kind regards,
    judy, Bronwen and komokwa like this.
  17. Simona Buhus

    Simona Buhus Well-Known Member

    Hi Anna,
    Thank you so much for enlightening me with so much valuable knowledge , I will have to do some reading on Michelini’s work. It is so strange you mentioned about Astronomy, just took the boys to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, have attached few photos for everyone’s delight.
    Please let me know your thoughts about the frame, is it possible that the cameo was added in this frame recently? Or is there any other Michelini?
    Also, can you make out any word or letters on the other cameos? The Cleopatra one looks that there is an initial V followed by a name Liry? Is that a 25 I see under?
    The Virgin Mary, I will clean it and see if the name is clearer.
    Thank you.
    Kind regards,
    D392386D-D16C-49DD-A827-1A41A48A3582.jpeg 18203180-5B69-47F9-879B-9ED0A6B580D2.jpeg AEACD6D5-9069-42E5-8DE1-330C5BD4ABEB.jpeg 63448418-A53B-47B6-BA1E-E3A4F41BF4C3.jpeg E4E64942-7DC2-4DB0-8631-1433A08C677D.jpeg 6B16E43B-6269-40D0-A861-16BC9B697B9C.jpeg
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
    bercrystal, judy, Any Jewelry and 2 others like this.
  18. Simona Buhus

    Simona Buhus Well-Known Member

    Thank you @Aquitaine , you are a star! one day you have to teach us how you do that :)
  19. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    @Bronwen I just read about your mishap!!! How awful. It made me wince reading it. :inpain: I hope your recovery is speedy and complete. Best wishes and a big hug.
    judy, Bronwen and komokwa like this.
  20. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    @Simona Buhus: I think the Michelini cameo was set into a frame later on, not when it was carved. The frame is post 1930s, based on the clasp and construction.

    Unfortunately I can't help with the signatures on the other two. I have never been able to find info on 20th century carvers.

    Your pictures of the Royal Observatory are awesome. I love the second one especially.
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