
Discussion in 'Silver' started by AjVintageLover, Oct 21, 2022.

  1. Says Nasco Italy on bottom F4DC3705-EF4C-4475-A8FC-38A2DBE2393D.jpeg 3F429BEA-603E-4FE8-88D6-1BC6CEAB5F16.jpeg 1E47781A-77F5-4901-AD0B-73694DFB1D28.jpeg C30010C9-834A-4174-AC77-CE4D496CAB77.jpeg D8BF3949-E877-4EC3-B27E-7CCEB7519191.jpeg
    komokwa likes this.
  2. Ice bucket I believe
  3. Rufus@frockstarvintage

    Rufus@frockstarvintage Well-Known Member

    Exactly that. Hammered aluminum. Mid 20th century. A lot of this stuff available - the condition kills any resale value - you might sell for scrap or use as a flower pot!
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