Thought you all would enjoy this if unfamiliar. It’s put out daily by the National Gallery of Art in D.C. Artle #109 ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
Love when I get it on the first one like today but many I’m clueless even on the reveal-forget the photographers LOL! They do a total mix from the Renaissance to yesterday.
Spare me LOL! Your knowledge on art is terrific but trust me that they’ll also post some you’ve never heard of. Somedays I make myself nuts trying to guess to then find out I’ve never heard of the artist.
Got it on the first one! The painting was signed Sandy Calder making things dead easy, and the rest would have given the game away.
Might have sussed him anyway, and would have from the next images. Calder mobiles are pretty easy to spot if I can manage it.
I didn't even notice that. I guess my siggy spotting is as bad as my reading. Very easy, and so are his 'stabiles'. I had never seen any of his paintings, so only caught on with the second one, which was a stabile.
That one was a no brainer for me but I really know both his paintings and sculpture and own a print but today’s was a bust. I saw it was signed but never look and was unfamiliar with the artist. Had absolutely no guesses.
So was I. I don't know too many US artists, but I did find this one by using the last name search. I'm glad they allow you to cheat a little, good for us 'furrinners'.
I like that it gives you a chance to get to know artists you hadn't heard of before. I went off to google this one, of course.