Catholic Magnificat. Publisher 1915.

Discussion in 'Books' started by Stepan, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Stepan

    Stepan Well-Known Member

    IMG_20181215_165349.jpg IMG_20181215_165414.jpg IMG_20181215_165441.jpg IMG_20181215_165450.jpg IMG_20181215_165513.jpg Please provide any information about this book.
    Catholic Magnificat. Publisher 1915. Format 140x95 mm. Total 770 pages. Pages are clean, in good condition. The cover seems to be made of leather. Pretty decent condition.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
  2. Stepan

    Stepan Well-Known Member

    IMG_20181215_165529.jpg IMG_20181215_165605.jpg IMG_20181215_165423.jpg Another photo
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
    yourturntoloveit and scoutshouse like this.
  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    As a (general) rule, old religious texts have very little value. It would be helpful if you posted a photograph of the cover along with photographs of the title and copyright pages.

    scoutshouse and i need help like this.
  4. Stepan

    Stepan Well-Known Member

    The photo above has been added.
    yourturntoloveit and scoutshouse like this.
  5. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Welcome to the Forum, Stepan! :)
    Would you kindly Hit Edit, More Options, check first box (Full Size All Images) Save Changes. Thank you. ;)
    scoutshouse likes this.
  6. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    Hi Stepan!
    Welcome to Antiquers!
  7. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    It's a prayer book & hymnal. There would be so many, whether this particular publication or others with the same content, both older & newer, the value is unlikely to be high. You can do the same thing we do when trying to get an estimate of current value: put in the basic terms to identify it in a search, then look at results for completed sales on eBay, etc., or in other auctions.
  8. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Looks like the initials pressed into the back of the book are the same as those of the person who wrote the verse (if that is what it is) inside. So, an early owner of the book. The subtitle is "Prayer and hymn book for the Archdiocese of Freiburg," I think. Maybe you can read that already?

    Welcome, @Stepan !
  9. Stepan

    Stepan Well-Known Member

    I am interested in more information about this instance. Maybe someone is interested in this area.
    judy, scoutshouse and i need help like this.
  10. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    i need help likes this.
  11. Stepan

    Stepan Well-Known Member

  12. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    You may not have found the same book but they're all similar. There are 49 volumes listed in various editions. The fact that yours has a different cover is not going to make it more/less valuable than those published around the same period.

    Any Jewelry, Stepan and komokwa like this.
  13. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Stepan, in what market are you located?

  14. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    He's from Ukrania most probably.
    and yes, all are right. no value, millions in stores, millions going to the dump every year when houses are cleared.
    catholic, given for the first communion by the godfather.
    Figtree3, judy and Stepan like this.
  15. Stepan

    Stepan Well-Known Member

    Clear. Thanks. And yet this is a small piece of history. There is also some value for this. :)
    Jivvy and judy like this.
  16. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Stepan.
    Yes, they are, and it is a verse. The book was a memento of her first holy communion. I can't find any mention of a godfather, the last sentence mentioning 'my first holy communion' is written in the first person. When I did my first holy communion I was given prayer books and other presents by most visitors to my party.
    Monetary value will be very little. It is a sweet memory of a moment in a young girl's life.
    Jivvy, Figtree3, judy and 1 other person like this.
  17. April07

    April07 Well-Known Member

    Once in Estonia, I bought a German prayer book published in 1912 for one krone (there were still krones in 2009-2010), smaller size and more used condition - it seems the bookstore just wanted to get rid of it. But it was lovely and with nice illustrations. Yours is wonderful!
  18. April07

    April07 Well-Known Member

    More and more Ukrainians in this forum :)
    judy, Any Jewelry and i need help like this.
  19. Stepan

    Stepan Well-Known Member

    Ukraine is the Europe !!! :)
    Ownedbybear, judy and i need help like this.
  20. April07

    April07 Well-Known Member

    Ukraine is the world ;)
    judy and i need help like this.
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