God evening lovely people can anybody shed any light on this book please it would be very much appreciated the red part on the cover had been stuck on
Hi Nicole, here's a start to get you going: https://www.vialibri.net/searches?author=Charlotte+M.+Yonge&title=The+Constable's+Tower&s=1.r5tkgg.a766c2fa1923232b But there are other sites out there to research old books, 'Abe Books' being another one......I'm not sure how much that sticker on the front has to do with the book itself......and condition is everything when it's a used book!!!
Victorian children's book by a popular and prolific author of the period. Per inscription, presented as a school prize. May be scare as this used book site only has one comparable copy. Keep in mind these are asking prices not sold prices. As with any collecting area, scare doesn't necessarily mean valuable. The sticker may have been applied by the school. Per the listing below NSD is short for the publisher National Society's Depository. There's language around the image in the applied piece which may be the school motto. A close-up might help. https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?cm_sp=SearchFwi-_-SRP-_-Results&kn=charlotte yonge constable's tower&rollup=on&sortby=17 Debora
A boy's school, I'd think. Form 2 would be, I believe, 12-13 year olds which seems right for writer and subject. "Oxon" most likely stands for "Oxford" which could limit your search. Debora
Ecclesim Sancti Thomas Cantuariensis in Oxon is what I read. That translates to: The Church of Saint Thomas of Canterbury in Oxford. https://web.archive.org/web/20070927010426/http://www.acny.org.uk/venue.php?V=214 The parish has a Facebook page. https://www.sbarnabas.org.uk/stthomasthemartyr Debora