Featured Royal Doulton curiosity

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Ian K, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. Ian K

    Ian K New Member

    Can anyone help identify this Royal Doulton item. It has elements of toby jug (or perhaps green man) face, but it's function is a mystery. Makers mark shows it to be made between 1886 and 1902.
    RoyalDoulton.jpg RoyalDoultonbase.jpg
  2. Ian K

    Ian K New Member

    I've since discovered it's a blanc de chine table centre, but the picture I found seems to have different dimensions (but same design and same registered number). Did the registered number refer to a set, perhaps, with a larger one in the centre and smaller ones towards the ends of the table?
    Doulton Blanc de Chine.jpeg Doulton Blanc de Chine.jpeg
    Christmasjoy, LIbraryLady and Bronwen like this.
  3. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    You can use the same RD number with different sizes.
    Christmasjoy and Bronwen like this.
  4. CheersDears

    CheersDears Well-Known Member

    Cant help -- it's unlike any Doulton I know -- but I really love it.
    Christmasjoy and Bronwen like this.
  5. Ian K

    Ian K New Member

    Thanks for that confirmation.
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  6. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    You're welcome. It's the Green Man, certainly - and a nice thing, too.
    Christmasjoy and Bronwen like this.
  7. Ian K

    Ian K New Member

    Many thanks for confirmation that it is the Green Man. Do you have any idea why Royal Doulton chose to use the Green Man? I guess it does fit with the Art Nouveau movement of the period.
    Christmasjoy and Bronwen like this.
  8. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    He's an ancient British symbol, so I suspect it fits with that whole glorification of nature thing. Who knows!
    AuDragon, Christmasjoy and Bronwen like this.
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