RPPC Photo (I don't know what I'm seeing) Odd

Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by ScanticAntiques, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member


    I've returned for all of you lovely people's help once again.

    This time it's more of a what the heck is that question.

    I have an RPPC Photo (Real Photo Post Card) of this House from above on a hill.

    If you look above the right chimney stack on the house there is debris... or something in a line. I've zoomed in to try to give you a glimpse. There is also debris a bit higher in the air towards the darker cloud level.

    Was wondering what y'all may think it is?

    thanks in advance! Hope everyone is staying safe out there!
    We are getting rocked on the East Coast. IMG_3207.JPG IMG_3210.JPG
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  2. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Looking at the vegetation (trees?) silhouetted against the sky between the two houses, I'm wondering if it is a steep hillside beside an ocean (Hawaii????).

    Could it possibly be volcano "fallout" (ash clouds)????

    If it is a "famous event/weather/natural disaster" I can't imagine why the location or event wouldn't be printed on or hand-notated somewhere on the postcard.
  3. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member

    I thought it sorta looked like a dissipating funnel cloud, but I'm not a scientist. lol Is it a Hawaiian Tornado? Do they get those? lol
  4. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    I don't know if they get tornados (although I doubt it) but they certainly get volcanic eruptions from time to time. Plus they get fires from lava flows. An awful lot of dark clouds/smoke on the left side.
  5. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    I just realized -- in Hawaii it may be called a "cyclone" (????).

    Here's a link to a general discussion -- I have no knowledge as to the veracity of the website -- but it may give you a "starting point" to do further research on "storms" in Hawaii.

    ScanticAntiques likes this.
  6. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    I was typing when Bakersgma responded -- she is probably on point with the "volcanic eruption/lava flow" she mentioned.
    ScanticAntiques likes this.
  7. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member

    lol It's definitely debris though right? I mean it's not like poop on a lens or something. Thank you for the link! Def. could be a cyclone. Bakersgma is 100% correct that those clouds off to the left there look as though some sort of eruption is happening.
  8. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member

    It also kinda reminded me of Nuclear Test Photos I've seen, though lacking a Mushroom Cloud, I highly doubt that's it.
  9. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Just guessing some more but I really think it is in the Pacific/South Pacific region. Not necessarily Hawaii, but do those look like banana trees to anyone? And the houses look to me like "plantation (a/k/a agrigultural region) houses.

    Are the two prominent silhouetted trees banana trees????
    Bakersgma likes this.
  10. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    If you zoom in to the roof, it's one of those sheetmetal ones which are very common in the tropics.

    Not sure about the trees being bananas. It's hard to see leaf detail, plus they appear to be blowing in a wind. Could be some species of palm.
  11. Bdigger

    Bdigger Well-Known Member

    Looking to the left of the house, it looks like there may be laundry hanging on a clothesline. And i may be tired but just above and to the right of the parallel lines.....is that thing in the sky a flying saucer? and that dark blur that is on top of the lines looks like ......well nevermind. Tell me if you see anything in it.
    ScanticAntiques likes this.
  12. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member

    I do see that, long cylinder darkness right above the lines, oddly cutting through white cloud. Strange.
  13. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    At first I also thought volcano, but on editing, cropping zooming I now think some sort of storm. The main reason I think storm is that after brightening up the foreground, It looks like damaged vegetation, like possibly knocked down damaged trees. 2ndly those trees high on the ridge seem to be blowing in the wind. They don't look like settled palm trees. The palms fronds seem blowing downhill following the line of those whirling clouds.

    I thought there were 2 houses down the hill on our left. Wrong, there is only 1 house. The house and the trees on the ridge do not look seriously damaged. To the far left of that house is a hill/promontory in the distance. That promontory has a very slight resemblance to Diamond Head; however, am sure it isn't for too rounded. Between the house and that hill are more trees in an open area. The promontory, the open area with the trees and the house are probably looking out over something, maybe the ocean that is not viewable. On our right at the top of the hill is another house. Am including one of the pic I edited. I brightened it more than normal to see if you think there are damaged trees in the foreground.

    As far as that line of whatever over the house chimney, I don't know. I'm tempted to say it is weird openings in the clouds, trash/specks/damage on the original negative, flying debris from a hurricane though that much hurricane debris rarely appears in such a linear manner. I'm saying hurricane rather than cyclone because this could easily be a hilly Caribbean island. There are several hilly Caribbean Islands like Guadeloupe, Jamaica, U.S. Virgin Islands, Trinidad & Tobago, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, Haiti, etc. That corner of the world seem to get hit by hurricanes every few years.

    --- Susan

  14. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Marins Del Rey Station Fire.jpg Looks like storm clouds to me with artifacts on the pic. Maybe even a huge fire???
    This pic is of a fire seen from the marina 80 miles away when we had this horrible fire.
    ScanticAntiques and gregsglass like this.
  15. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member

    Could certainly be a fire, storm or an eruption! I'm sorta at a loss right now for how to describe this photo lol It's an odd one that's for sure!
  16. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Like I said at the beginning -- "If it is a "famous event/weather/natural disaster" I can't imagine why the location or event wouldn't be printed on or hand-notated somewhere on the postcard."
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  17. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Maybe just mysterious,beautiful clouds? :cat:
  18. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

    I'm in the meteorological phenomenon camp. Clouds trapped in a valley.
    IOW mysterious,beautiful clouds.
    The image is compressed a bit because a long (telephoto) lens was used...I think.
  19. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    anybody notice the face on the side of the building in Lady's close up ???
  20. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member

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