small sterling round thing

Discussion in 'Silver' started by billyd3us, Aug 25, 2018.

  1. billyd3us

    billyd3us Thanks All my Friends

    I got this also yesterday, only reads sterling on base side. Clear lined thing feels like plastic, any ideas on what this was used for ?

    Thank You 007.JPG 009.JPG
    kyratango and Christmasjoy like this.
  2. billyd3us

    billyd3us Thanks All my Friends

    Just tested the clear part, it's glass .
    kyratango and Christmasjoy like this.
  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    It's a coaster, Billy. Would have been part of a set. When I find 'em, I scrap 'em.

    kyratango, Christmasjoy and Bakersgma like this.
  4. billyd3us

    billyd3us Thanks All my Friends

    Okay cool, Thank You Debora.
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  5. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I generally scrap them too, especially the molded glass ones. They're no good for much else.
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  6. billyd3us

    billyd3us Thanks All my Friends

    Dang, okay . I guess I'll start doing the same, good idea, Thank You
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Whoa......yer market may be different.....1st find out what scrap is worth...then see if you have a good dealer near you who will pay top dollar......then ..if you can get more for it...whole.....consider that !!!
    cxgirl and Any Jewelry like this.
  8. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    In my experience of silverware, small little trinket pieces like this just do not sell. I've seen them sit around in antiques shops for years and decades and just gathering dust. Little dishes, little baskets, little bowls, little this, little that...nobody wants them. And if they do, then they don't wanna pay a lot of money for them.

    If you're buying this stuff, then you better be buying it for yourself, because the chances of selling it off are variable, to say the least.
    kyratango likes this.
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    yes....well said....
    but he's neither in Australia...nor has an antique shop.....

    As a trade item or flea market item in his area...he may do better than melt weight..
    cxgirl, kyratango and Any Jewelry like this.
  10. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

  11. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    It's worth a shot. Melt is all those trinket pieces go for near me ... if you can get melt. Jewelry does better.
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