Joining from the AB group

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Figtree3, May 15, 2014.

  1. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks fig! I'll try it.:D
  2. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    Hi, y'all! Greetings from the south. Glad to see so many on this website from the AB as well as new faces! For those who haven't had the pleasure of meeting me sooner ;), I'm located in the midsouth, Memphis metropolitan area, but am a Yankee at heart - born and raised in New England. I have had a longggggg time interest in antiques especially silver and all types of oil lamps, and am actively involved in genealogy research.

    Earlier I posted a message on the Rules and whatever forum - thanks Dave for the avatar info. Now I have found this Intro forum. Soooooo, instead of writing another message, thought I'd give a link to my 1st message. Wellll can't figure out how to yet using the iPad soooo will just copy it here.
    Good morning, all. Just now made my way over here. Thanx Dave for the note. Delighted to see Shiloh and Dave again. You two were missed. Got a kick out of the security or whatever question(s) asked when signing up. I first got the question: What color milk comes from a brown cow or words to that effect. I bet I, we, may know someone who would mess that answer up. I had to stop the registering process because of a phone call. When I got back to it, I got a different question. It was something like which era is the oldest or came 1st, Elizabethan or Victorian? Just last night I was scanning through the latest oil lamp auctions when I spotted one with some of the following words in the description and some in the title, Antique Vintage Victorian Depression Glass Whale Oil Kerosene Lamp!!! Wellll, one of the only bases that seller missed was **Elizabethan**!!!

    Speaking of registering, why in the world did I have to give my DOB??? Now all the world will know I'm not 20 something. :mad: BTW, where do I go to add an avatar?

    --- Susan
    spirit-of-shiloh and tyeldom3 like this.
  3. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    Waving hi Susan :rolleyes::) Glad to see you! Your post made me laugh.

    Antidiem, I'm happy to see you too, and so sorry for everything your going through. Sending you warm thoughts and well wishes.
    Ladybranch likes this.
  4. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    The real question is - Which Elizabeth??? :)
  5. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    RANT: I got pink slapped several times for referring to an ongoing listed item either by name or listing number, yet on the boards today I see several referred to. Does this mean those folks will be pink slapped or were they "out to get me" for all my remarks about the Creature from the Deep Lagoon?
  6. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

    Guess WHAT!!!

    There is some serious action in deep's demise. Maybe they were just pandering to my cries for help but BOY OH BOY did I ever get a most POSITIVE reply. THEY KNOW they've got a serious problem AND they know EXACTLY what it is.....AND they ARE going to do something about it.

    If you've never contacted a mod about deep but truly believe his destructive, deceitful posts need to be dealt with, do it NOW!!! MAKE YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!!!

    If you HAVE, DO IT AGAIN...NOW!!

  7. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

  8. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

    Still trying to find my way around on this site, but I am here primarily because of the serious problem on AB, which has turned a formerly great eBay resource into something else entirely. I have contacted the powers that be, to no avail, but will try again! Thank you for letting us know, Skeezix42.
  9. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

    Well that didn't work out too good! I guess "Reply" and "Post Reply" are two different things....
  10. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Welcome Taupou, you will soon get the hang of it:panda:
  11. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Don, it aint going to happen, its like like trying to knit with spaghetti.
    For some reason they let him get away with it and he knows it.
  12. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

    Davey...I dunno. I think it's worth another shot. The door appears open a small crack right now.

    Can you give me any links to deep boasting about killing the board, killing the art board, proud of his wrecking the board, etc. I recall seeing these posts by him under a different off eBay ID, though the voice rang clear as a bell. Way back when he first reared his ugly continence. You may have posted them, I don't recall.

    I can't find them, though I haven't had a lotta time to look for 'em either.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  13. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

    This was a specific request from the moderation team BTW.
  14. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    I sent a long message. Longer than I intended, but as I wrote I was getting more intense. Let's see if they answer.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  15. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

  16. birgittaw

    birgittaw Active Member

    I also sent a message to one of the mods.
  17. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Sorry Don I have no links for him dishing the dirt, only folders with his details and posts that he got deleted., oh and the posts about him.
    It makes one wonder what he was like or what he did before the invention of the internet.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  18. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    Hope you all don't mind reading LONG emails. Here is the correspondence I first sent to the Mod and then emailed directly to Ebay on his recommendation.

    Attached is a message I sent to one of the Lithium Mods and his reply.
    I am hoping this matter reaches the attention of someone in charge who can at least take it in the honest spirit that it is written. I value my anonymity on the Boards to protect my family from potential lurkers, but am sure the Ebay Admin people know who we all are.
    The Boards used to be a friendly place. Posters might disagree, but it wasn't nasty. This one person has in essence ruined the enjoyment for all of us and we have been accused of "ganging up" on him. I don't personally know most of the other posters. I know a couple, who have now left, who were well-respected authors of guide books. They got sick of it and it's too bad.
    There are people who inherit or buy items that they know nothing about. Most of us try to help them learn what their item is and how to properly care for it to retain or even increase its value. Only Deep Sea Shadow takes some kind of pleasure in continually giving bad advice and no one else is allowed to correct him. Maybe it doesn't affect you, but the person who reads these posts has no idea that using some of these procedures will irreparably harm their antique. Those of us who love antiques do not want to see them destroyed.
    Additionally, DSS continues to be insulting in a very subtle manner and somehow you don't seem to hold him to the strict rules you place on the rest of us. It's appalling. We all know that in spite of all the other sites that have popped up, Ebay continues to be the main online sales venue. You need to take some responsibility for this.
    Thank you for your attention.

    thelmasstuff wrote:

    I'm guessing this email will be given the same answer - there is no policy against people giving incorrect information.

    However, the one person who is deliberately giving BAD information, and I did say DELIBERATELY, has been stirring up the Antique Board for a couple of years. Many of us who are actual antique dealers who have good reputations are being disciplined, yet this poster continues to agitate. I thought one of Ebay's policies was to deter posters from causing trouble? Why can't you enforce that policy? If numerous users point to the same trouble spot and you continue to ignore it, what are we to think? Selective enforcement of policies. You know who we all are in real life. You have my permission to contact anyone in my town to ask if I'm a reputable person. I'm a Past President of my Rotary Club and the local Chamber of Commerce. My husband is a Selectman. We are public figures and would not do anything to jeopardize our relationship in the community. I am a truthful person and I'm telling you that you should find a way to ban Deep Sea Shadow and bring the boards back to being friendly places where there can be a positive exchange of ideas.

    Today is May 22, 2014. I have bitterly complained many times before. Lately, I've just stayed off the boards because it's too frustrating to try and give someone good, helpful information only to see one poster, Deep Sea Shadow, come along and give them bad information and new people take it as true. We know from his previous posts that he is doing it to be spiteful. He has said as much in the past. I wish I'd saved all those posts. He's laughing at the whole process because he can be anonymous and say what he wants.

    I wish at least one person who took his bad advice on how to care for an antique would come back to complain. That would validate our concerns. One time posters probably don't realize they could do that. This isn't a social media venue. This is a venue which purports to give people an opportunity to get information about their items. Some are intrinsically valuable and some are not, but the owners deserve fair and decent answers. They don't deserve to be treated like pawns in someone's evil game.

    My parents had an antique store and I've worked in the business since I helped them as a child. I'm not new to this and I hate to see people given very bad information just for one sick person's entertainment, and that's all it is. After two years of experts telling him he's wrong, DSS should have learned something. The fact that he persists and makes snide comments about everyone else proves that he is flaunting his ability to get away with it because he couches his insults in vagueness that, if you understand his point of view, would be obvious.

    Please, we are all begging you, do something about this situation. You've already lost a lot of REAL antique experts - people who have written books and who are sought out in the real world for their expertise - due to his machinations and your support of him. It's detrimental to Ebay. All we want is for the rules to be applied fairly.


    Hi thelmasstuff,

    As moderators, we have no access to community members personal info, so we don't know who anyone is beyond what personal info any given user has posted on the boards. As you may be aware, we don't work for eBay, we work for Lithium. We do our utmost best to enforce the rules fairly and accurately. I'm sorry if you feel that we aren't.

    The concerns over deepseashadow were esclated to eBay for further investigation. They will review the situation. If you have further complaints against this member, I suggest you contact

    Thank you for taking the time to message me.

    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  19. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

    I've bee sending this to all the boardies I can.
    Hopefully it will reach a little further here. (Davey?)

    The time for action is now. If you feel something must be done about destructive and deceitful ways repeatedly thrust upon the board, the door is open to action right now. I've been communicating with the mods and they are open to action towards a solution to this problem. I've been encouraged.

    If you haven't before contacted the mods to voice your concerns, please do it now. If you have, do it again.

    I'm genuinely against censorship but what we've been subjected to for far to long is certainly vulgar behind the veil of the printed word.

    Perhaps, with our voices raised as one, we can remove this blight on our friendy little 'tiquers community, but that voice must be made heard now, before tha door slams shut for good.

    Don't be rash, be reasoned.

    We can do this if united.

    I sent the above to a few boardies yesterday. I've followed that up today with:

    We can do this. i just got another e-mail from a mod saying the investigation was escalating and eBay has become directly involved.

    Just send a mod a well worded, reasonable, level headed e-mail expressing your concerns about the current state of the board and the reasons you feel are responsible for the present state of the community.

    The mod I've had most the interaction with is Hawk-s but I think any and all mods should be contacted by various different boardies.

    To cantact a mod just click on their ID.

    Summon your greatest powers of eloquence and reserve but get the point across in no uncertain terms.

    Here is the missive that got the best response so far.

    "Thank you for the first reasonably framed response I've so far received on this topic. I understand how your hands are tied.

    A thorough review of posting history including posting of harmful missinformation easily proved by facts, stalking behavior supported by posting history, and ill will toward the Antiques Board community again supported by posting history, etc. etc. ad infinitum would prove in short order the severe negative impact of this one individual.on what was once a thriving and friendly eBay community. Unfortunaty the gathering of this information, considering it's significant volume, is a task I care not to bear. Nor should it be for any of the board regulars to bear.

    It should be perfectly obvious the ill effects this poster has inflicted on this board since day one.

    His provocations have driven numerous well informed, knowlegable, I say valuable posters from the board. I may well be next. The board WILL suffer dramatically from my loss.

    His demeanor and caustic personality have kept posters from other boards from posting for information about their antiques on the antiques board. This has been clearly stated on the other boards, singling out one particular poster as the reason to not post. This is supportable ON THE BOARDS.

    His missinformation and ill given advice has caused many new posters not to return.

    He has bragged about his"Killing the Antiques Board" and his pride in doing so on off eBay internet sites.

    This type personality is truly anathema to the happy and healthy, vigourous life of a thriving eBay community and far from the best interests of that community and eBay itself.

    It would surely be in the best interests of eBay that anything that has a 100% negative impact on any once thriving user community under their tuteledge should be dealt with.

    The facts are there in the cumulative posts for all to see. The evidence is, in fact, staggering.

    The onus is on your people to restore health and a friendly environment for sharing information about antiques and vintage collectables while also sharing lifes little stories with like minded and friendly fellow community members. A community once known far and wide beyond eBay for the depth and breadth of knowledge on virtually any field of antiques. A once thriving community driven to near destruction by the hostile environment created at the hands of one bad intentioned mean spirited poster. A poster who has proved by his own words beyond a shadow of a doubt lacks any interest in, or knowledge of antiques. Stating exactly those sentiments quite explicitly in long ago posts.

    I'm sure my voice is one of many, all shouting loud and clear!
    I'm sure the provocateur's defenders are lining right up...What? No? i thought not.

    Please, listen to the voice of reason. See the true problem for what it is, not what it pretends to be, all puffed up with rightous but utterly false indignation.

    The problem is before your them."

    Our voice is our strength. We must use it in full.

    Others are on board and there are far more yet to contact.

    Let's make that voice be heard loud and clear.

    So far it seems the vast majority are taking up the pen, our weapon of choice, to drive off the evil one.

    A united front cannot be denied.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  20. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

    Birg and Tyledom...I haven't got to your contact info yet.
    Please act now.
    Other boardies are already reporting encouraging results.
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